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New ling horror form scream + pls buff horror form
(09-23-2017, 07:44 AM)poland spring Wrote: No restrictions on what the shambler arms can pick up please, I want them to be able to play as many saxophones as they can

For real though shamblers should be actually scary to fight to the point where most people would want to either run away or use long range weaponry.

yeah, I think they deserve this buff, especially because it requires the cooperation of the saltiest players in the entire round to actually be overwhelming. I think importantly the hivemind should not be treated as mindslaves that MUST help you, but rather as free sovereign arms. 
Perhaps bar them from attacking the shambler itself, so you dont get some jackass lopping off the other arms with a chainsaw.
I dunno. Personally, I'll try my damndest to avoid being absorbed, even to the point of gibbing or spaceing myself, but if I do get absorbed I'll go all in for the Ling.
(09-23-2017, 07:44 AM)poland spring Wrote: No restrictions on what the shambler arms can pick up please, I want them to be able to play as many saxophones as they can

For real though shamblers should be actually scary to fight to the point where most people would want to either run away or use long range weaponry.

Seven e-guns. Shudder. If they all have their own separate attack cooldown, they'd be able to almost instacrit anyone who gets near. I like it, it makes them actually terrifying and not just something that gets thrown off the shuttle.
(09-23-2017, 07:44 AM)poland spring Wrote: No restrictions on what the shambler arms can pick up please, I want them to be able to play as many saxophones as they can

For real though shamblers should be actually scary to fight to the point where most people would want to either run away or use long range weaponry.

I think you mean bagpipes.
i don't get why everyone gets so mad and anti-ling when they get absorbed. it happens. if it was bullshit, like me getting stung in a hallway of people, yelling exactly who the ling is, and then the people nearby just watching as they drag me into maint and making no action against it, then I'll complain for a bit, but I'll definitely always try to help the ling.

if this arm thing is added, add an ability to select who can do it. that way if there's someone in the hivemind you don't really trust but haven't kicked out, they won't be able to interfere
Also make it so if you get a killgrab on two people at once in normal mode you can absorb them both at once. Same for horror form devour.
(09-23-2017, 04:42 PM)Lord Birb Wrote: Also make it so if you get a killgrab on two people at once in normal mode you can absorb them both at once. Same for horror form devour.

All arms can grab and devour people independently. Yikes.
Maybe not independently devour, but hold onto them until the ling is ready to eat them
I imagine a ling who had just absorbed half the crew and is ready to become a abomination so they go and find 15 chainsaws and get every person in the hivemind to grab one.

Cue yakety sax as a living blender runs down the halls.
Thats the kind of Inter-Departmental Cooperation I like to see
Would the item sprites be placed randomly on the horror form's sprite?
Honestly I'd imagine so, heck I'd go as far as to say there need to be randomly-placed-and-rotated heads of everyone the horror form has consumed!
Would it be possible to have sprites of tendrils in the tiles adjacent to the Ling? Kinda a multi tile monstrosity
I mean why wouldn't it be? We have a lot of multi-tile train-y things.

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