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Because, uh, well, why not taunt the station by making your very own skittering, crawling abomination of a buttbot? Let the terror of deep space strike fear into the hearts of the crew by... letting your butt become sentient.

Why is this not a thing yet??
Does it fart?
The more things change, the more they stay the same.
If you do this, you've got to consider that there is no (as far as I know) mechanical downside to not having a butt, compared to giving up an eye, hand, or leg temporarily. So the buttspider would have to be somehow even worse than an eye spider.

That said, good idea! And if my choices were "riding along in the back-seat of the hive mind" or "scurrying around as a butt-spider that can literally do nothing but fart", you know, I'd go for butt-spider.
There's a hell of a mechanical downside. You can't fart.

Obviously the butt-spider can do literally nothing but fart.
This was suggested before actually, I can't be arsed (no pun intended) to find it, but essentially the suggestion was the same with the addendum that the butt spider can launch itself on to peoples heads, thus ending its own life (but forcing an asshat onto people)
It's the changeling's version of the ultimate middle finger.
(09-24-2017, 09:32 AM)LuigiThirty Wrote: There's a hell of a mechanical downside. You can't fart.

Obviously the butt-spider can do literally nothing but fart.

Makes me wonder if during changeling hunts we'll get people demanding others to fart is a butt-spider is ever spotted.
Butt spiders could be a way for Lings to banish someone from the hive mind. Tired of them begging you to be a hand spider? Make them into a useless butt spider that you don't have to hear
(09-24-2017, 11:41 AM)Frank_Stein Wrote: [...] butt spider that you don't have to hear

Oh but just you wait
Make it so they can inject people with fartonium and/or jenkem and I'm in.
(09-24-2017, 12:42 PM)Lord Birb Wrote: Make it so they can inject people with fartonium and/or jenkem and I'm in.
Give them that toxic farts muation
You know how handspiders get the blood boil ability as a nice little suicide bomb?
The buttspiders need to have a suicidal version of the superfart genetic power instead.
Buttspiders should be able to jump on heads and attach like a stapled-on butt, destroying whatever hat was on there before if any. The buttspider dies and the changeling can then track that person like a tracking implant. The buttspider can be removed through surgery like a stapled butt, removing the tracking and causing it to shrivel up and die.

The buttspider’s only abilities detached from its host are Fart and Attach.
(09-24-2017, 08:48 PM)LuigiThirty Wrote: Buttspiders should be able to jump on heads and attach like a stapled-on butt, destroying whatever hat was on there before if any. The buttspider dies and the changeling can then track that person like a tracking implant. The buttspider can be removed through surgery like a stapled butt, removing the tracking and causing it to shrivel up and die.

The buttspider’s only abilities detached from its host are Fart and Attach.

Can it attach as someone's butt if they lack one?

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