When you get a sax it plays songs randomly, i'd prefer a list of options but whatever. Im here to talk about epic sax guy and how we need to add ultra sax guy, seriously why isn't it already in? There's no doubt that we need it in this game: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mdliSXvcC1E
(And yes this is what Nick Crompton Sr. AKA Sergi, AKA Epic Sax Guy/Ultra Sax Guy looks like now, feel old yet?)
(09-21-2017, 09:03 PM)Tom Clancy Wrote: This sounds like shit.
it also sounds like more than just a saxophone. no one can change notes that fast on a sax and play that high for that long. especially not whoever that business guy-looking fuck is
(09-21-2017, 09:03 PM)Tom Clancy Wrote: This sounds like shit.
it also sounds like more than just a saxophone. no one can change notes that fast on a sax and play that high for that long. especially not whoever that business guy-looking fuck is