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Persistent Bank
Talk about persistent bank stuff here.

the general rules of this system : 
Earn cash by completing rounds. Base pay is your job's starting salary. Achieving a high station grade and escaping alive will increase pay. Late-join after ~8 minutes have passed since round start will make you Part-Time and reduce pay. Antagonists don't get any pay deductions based on station grade or escape status.
It's a pretty cool system. I've only bought a couple of things, but it is nice to have.

My only complaint so far is that damn noise that plays when you select something.

Also I don't know what affects station grade and now I want to do whatever I can to improve it.
What are the current items that can be bought, and why would anyone want to buy them?

This is a genuine question, i'm not trying to be snotty here. Are they all frill items?
You can buy limblessness, for sure. The possibilities there are unlimbited!

Uh, crap. Just realized I never reinstalled puush. Well, uh, exit stage left!!

Anyways the bank is neat. It theoretically gets people to want to 1) play more rounds, 2) play more rounds to completion, 3) play higher paying (ranking) jobs, and 4) play 'better'. I am slightly bummed that buying "nothing" doesn't result in you having nothing when you arrive, but no big problemo's yet.

I mean, even without the loot they're still internet points. Everyone loves internet points. Or at least we're all subconsciously addicted to them.
Tying cash rewards to generally good behaviour and productivity could also encourage more coop and departmental cooperation - simply because people have mutual desire for that MOOLAH

For that to work there needs to be some really neat shit you could buy though, but I'm pretty sure?? traders handle that nicely.
It's a cool idea in theory. There are still some issues with calculating spacebux, but those will probably be ironed out soon (and I'll try to remember to post them as I come across them)? It'll probably just take a bit of time for people to get used to it and figure out if they like it or ultimately find it unnecessary/uncool in the long run.

One thing I was wondering about was the pricing. For example, a hoodie is so much more expensive than a fruit hat, which, everyone can agree, is so much cooler. What factors affect the pricing? Can items that can affect other people (paint cans and toy swords come to mind) be made more expensive?
Also, can I please be able to buy monkey? :v

Another issue that might occur would just be people rolling high-paying roles and then not really doing anything, just to earn more spacebux. Rolling jobs just for the title/access/equipment has been a thing, on occasion (and I'm not just talking about captains), so I'm curious whether this persistent bank thing might encourage that. It might not seem that likely, but I think it might still be important to keep in mind.
One of my suggestions in the IRC regarding the base Spacebux earned amount was to deflate the salary of command staff and inflate that of security/medical doctors (not geneticists/roboticsts, just doctors) in order to encourage people into those roles.
Oh rad, is this in now? I always liked this idea a lot!
(09-19-2017, 01:56 PM)Gannets Wrote: Oh rad, is this in now? I always liked this idea a lot!

Yup, and it's pretty awesome.
It would be nice if there was an active way to get more spacebux out of a round, since it being tied to a static variable (no im not counting station score because that's pretty much identical every single round) is kind of lame, so making the pay more "dynamic" would be pretty sweet.
What about stuff that would allow them to do their roles better? This is just me ruminating, I'm not sure.
If not, then it would make them stand out at doing their jobs better?
Without going off the tracks, I'll give an example:
A jumper can be acquired in-game. 
However, something like a swave/smart doctors coat would be available if you roll doc. This makes you stand out as someone who's being either doing a good job as doctor or at least pulling your weight. It'd kind of be a signal to players (of course antagonists can jump on this for betrayal) that your to be trusted in your position, even though its totally superficial.

Aside: a bonus should occur if you complete your crew objectives, for sure.
(09-19-2017, 02:58 PM)Sundance Wrote: What about stuff that would allow them to do their roles better? This is just me ruminating, I'm not sure.
If not, then it would make them stand out at doing their jobs better?
Without going off the tracks, I'll give an example:
A jumper can be acquired in-game. 
However, something like a swave/smart doctors coat would be available if you roll doc. This makes you stand out as someone who's being either doing a good job as doctor or at least pulling your weight. It'd kind of be a signal to players (of course antagonists can jump on this for betrayal) that your to be trusted in your position, even though its totally superficial.

Aside: a bonus should occur if you complete your crew objectives, for sure.

Crew objectives would have to be reworked, the HoP's only crew objective is to deliberately miss the shuttle. There are also a few that are out of the player's control and seem more up to random chance and the actions of others than actually doing a good job.
Is observing supposed to get me money...? Cuz I just finished observing a round and the pop-up came up and awarded me about 200 bucks.
(09-19-2017, 02:30 PM)Triacontakai Wrote: It would be nice if there was an active way to get more spacebux out of a round, since it being tied to a static variable (no im not counting station score because that's pretty much identical every single round) is kind of lame, so making the pay more "dynamic" would be pretty sweet.

Here's a thought: rather than tie it to the starting round salary, tie it to the ending round salary. That way, if someone does well during the round, someone with budget access can go 'you're a cool dude, have some more spacebux' and raise their wage (which also has the side effect of more credits as an in-round credit). For most people this will still be more or less the same as their starting round salary, since most people don't bother to mess with the budget (besides withdrawing the entire thing and buggering off to spend it on bees).
(09-19-2017, 07:35 PM)Roomba Wrote:
(09-19-2017, 02:30 PM)Triacontakai Wrote: It would be nice if there was an active way to get more spacebux out of a round, since it being tied to a static variable (no im not counting station score because that's pretty much identical every single round) is kind of lame, so making the pay more "dynamic" would be pretty sweet.

Here's a thought: rather than tie it to the starting round salary, tie it to the ending round salary. That way, if someone does well during the round, someone with budget access can go 'you're a cool dude, have some more spacebux' and raise their wage (which also has the side effect of more credits as an in-round credit). For most people this will still be more or less the same as their starting round salary, since most people don't bother to mess with the budget (besides withdrawing the entire thing and buggering off to spend it on bees).

Extremely easy to abuse.  As a CE I can easily make 20mil credits for payroll and give it all to myself.


Crew winning round hits them with "didn't escape" penalty, i.e. blob rounds.

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