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A little Question and Answer Thread.
Yeah, all I really care about personally is knowing if it's secret so I don't accidentally pull a dick move by talking about it.
(09-02-2017, 07:56 AM)Newtonsolo Wrote:
(09-01-2017, 06:41 PM)Studenterhue Wrote:
(09-01-2017, 06:25 PM)Cyfarfod Wrote:
(09-01-2017, 06:06 PM)Studenterhue Wrote: I've always wondered how you'd make a Mutini. I've heard some people mention it in the forums I think, and I know it's was a patch made by UrsulaMejor. But the patch thread for it doesn't have the recipe, just the code for the effects and a code for the recipe inviting the coder to invent one.

I ASSUME from all that, that it's meant to be a bartender secret chem.  I ALSO assume that the recipe isn't that hard, if you think about the name of the drink itself.  My life is super cray cray right now or I'd log into a round and test my theory.

Oh,no, sadly it's not unstable mutagen or stable mutagen + Martini. That's why I was asking in here.
Have you tried combining those with vermouth or gin?

I tried that last attempt, and I still had just the mutagen and the Martini. Got the "James Bond would be proud" message. I think. Last attempt was a good long while ago.
Come to think of it, I haven't ever noticed that Haine was the last person to edit the patch thread OP. If it was meant to be a secret chem like Dragon's Breath, it would explain why Urs's post was edited the way it is.
I made it once but I can't remember the exact reagents, but I am sure it had martini plus some other 3 or 4 reagents.
Are there any good uses for Fibrilith...? Since it is super itchy but is only really good for clothing as far as I can tell? I really don't mean this to be bitching, I put some thought into it and it seems like scrap material, now that I know that. Thanks in advance!
What is the purpose of 'Vanilla' (available from the soda fountain behind the bar)?
Niether the wiki or the forum has any mention of it, and it doesn't decay into anything when ingested.
Vanilla soda? Ice cream cones?
To make vanilla-flavored drinks, I would assume.
You could say... that vanilla is just there... to provide FLAVOUR...

(09-04-2017, 07:14 PM)Cyfarfod Wrote: Are there any good uses for Fibrilith...?  Since it is super itchy but is only really good for clothing as far as I can tell?  I really don't mean this to be bitching, I put some thought into it and it seems like scrap material, now that I know that.  Thanks in advance!

It would probably be useful in crafting something that isn't clothing. Afaik, there are no non-clothing items that require cloth, but most implants require an insulation material item. Does that result in itchy eyeballs? Also Power cables.

I haven't gotten into materials crafting yet, what are the stats on an average Fibrilith? Anything worth smelting into another material type?

Beyond that, might be fun to craft a hot-potato super armor.
(09-05-2017, 03:27 AM)The Grim Sleeper Wrote: What is the purpose of 'Vanilla' (available from the soda fountain behind the bar)?
Niether the wiki or the forum has any mention of it, and it doesn't decay into anything when ingested.

For the longest time, I could not confirm that this was the case despite there being no other reason for it, but vanilla has an absurdly low chance of removing all mutations you have. Seeing as how the code was leaked a few months ago, you can also check this out just fine on the public release.

... and upon checking it even further, not even ALL of the mutations, just the ones marked effectTypePower which explains why I would have trouble replicating this beforehand. Weird! But there you go, probably one of the most obscure functions of anything in the game.
I don't understand why this is complicated. You are what you eat, and people with superpowers aren't vanilla.
(09-06-2017, 06:32 AM)Mordent Wrote: I don't understand why this is complicated. You are what you eat, and people with superpowers aren't vanilla.

Well, I don't think it's complicated at all, really, just obscure.
How does one get "Liquid Plasma"?

I've been wanting to see just how much damaged booby trapped lights or batteries do and I have no idea where to find the stuff I need to do it.
(09-06-2017, 10:16 AM)Technature Wrote: How does one get "Liquid Plasma"?

I've been wanting to see just how much damaged booby trapped lights or batteries do and I have no idea where to find the stuff I need to do it.

Get plasma from a  chem dispenser.
(09-06-2017, 10:16 AM)Technature Wrote: How does one get "Liquid Plasma"?
Standard chem available 'Chem Dispencer'. You can find several of those in the chemisty labs, on of them in the Bartender-only section of the bar and on maps with a pharmacy lab in the, well, the pharmacy lab. There are more, but those are the ones the public should be aware off.

Better not catch you slipping it into any drinks...

(09-06-2017, 06:11 AM)Taximin Wrote: Stuff about Vanilla.
I checked, you are correct.

(09-06-2017, 06:11 AM)Taximin Wrote: ...the code was leaked a few months ago...
In 2016. How time flies. Or did I miss something while I was living under my rock?

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