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I open fire on the operative! Scum is going to harm Mother Station and it's glorious comrades, they die.

If that goes well, I suppose I'll run off with the nuke to the scientists or something, they can probably disarm it and turn it into decoration
I realize my superhero origin story is missing an infusion of S C I E N C E, I stop by genetics in order to poke myself with funny syringes.
My spirit roars loudly like a lion or at least a very hungry housecat! With the ferocity I've accrued from my experiences as an underpaid henchman, I rush off to the front line!  No, that isn't enough... I must do the boldest, most badass thing I could possibly do!

With scissors firmly in hand, I run. I boldly run with scissors! Surely there has never existed badassery such as I. a star is born
I go to the location of the nuke, circular saw in hand.
Since all attempts and involving myself in the main plot have failed, I head over to the skate park. Maybe I can cobble together a skateboard out of wood or something.
I'm going to open up the service panel on the Nuke, see what we're dealing with
Flamethrower in hand, I tout it to flout the law. Like an asshole, I tout and I flout and I hop and I trot and I zip down the hallways looking for someone to bat an eye.

But no eyes are bat, no batons go on. My act to attract an attack of the law failed even to garner the ardor of Harner. A feat I hope to later repeat, after we beat the seat of the creeps who think to treat our meat to a heat replete with nuclear fire and atoms and shit. Starting to get worried, maybe he's hurt? Jeepers yee creepers, the Beepers is dead!

Good fucking riddance. Arrest me for burning down the blob, will he? Fuck the law, he'd just zap me and leave me for the syndies to kill me. Hell was I thinking?

Ah well. Got me a flamethrower. Guess I'll go set something on fire.

Which reminds me! Extinguisher! I grab one of those for when I inevitably set myself on fire. Or whatever this fuel mixture does. Mystery pills and Discount Dan's have got to do *something* in a flamethrower.

I hop trot down the halls toward the nearest reported Syndie location, seeking to throw some fire at them. If I see the clown or, really, anyone else in the hallway, I'll give them a spray.

All while yelling some shit about anarchy.
Btw, I'm going to be somewhere without internet for awhile. I dunno how you wanna handle that, but if someone wants to make moves for me that's cool
I go to the nuke as well and heal Frank.
I thought that would happen, yet I expected otherwise anyways. Let's see if someone left some saltpetre on the station lying around on the station somewhere.
(08-26-2017, 09:12 AM)Frank_Stein Wrote: Btw, I'm going to be somewhere without internet for awhile. I dunno how you wanna handle that, but if someone wants to make moves for me that's cool

Don't worry too much about it.  If nothing else, you'll be an NPC til you get back.

HotCoffeeMug (1): You decide this chapel is great and all, but you know what will make you amazing.
You head off and skate your way down towards the nuke, avoiding all the people in the area and start to do a gnarly trick on the pipe.
There are two things you don't seem to have accounted for.
One, this place seems to have no air.
Two, Nukes are really hard to do gnarly flips off of.
You almost immediately wipe out and get sent flying into the security pod's window, which then backs up in reverse RIGHT into the armory.
There's a hole in the armory.  Again.

Berrik (1) vs. Studenterhue (1):Student, annoyed that he can't get Hydro to send him anything, decides to look for some Saltpetre.  While he's looking, he runs into Berrik who immediately proceeds to drag him into the bathroom for some reason.  Whatever the hell is in that tub looks unpleasant.  After a great struggle, Berrik accidentally falls in the tub as Student breaks off and runs.

Nate The Squid (5)+Frank Stein (5)+elan_oots (3)+Lord Birb (4) vs. Youkcat(4): Nate and the HoS immediately open fire on the syndicate (prone +).  While a noticeable number of shots graze by, he gets hit by enough to keep him down.
The Nuke's the most important thing right now.  Frank thinks of disarming the bomb, but Nate and the HoS insist on bringing it to a safe place first.  The effort of all three of you get the nuke to science in no time.
You pop open the nuclear device.  It's not activated yet.
Disarming the nuke may take some time, as it looks really complicated.
Meanwhile, elan looks around for people to heal around the station.  He seems too preoccupied to notice the nuke running past him.
Along with that, Lord Birb's cyborg comes in and spots the syndicate.
(prone, automatic failure) He proceeds to stab the syndicate with a saw.
God, if Youkcat wasn't in crit before, he definitely is now.

Bologna Prime (5): You wake up fully rejuvenated.  Apparently, some medbay officers took you away from the monkies and tended to your wounds.
You head off to genetics to inject yourself with superpowers.  Apparently, you have Laser eyes, Mind reading, and Jumpy.
You activate all of them (Always armed, +1 against others, Can do more in a minute over large distances).

Vitatroll (6): You head off to the nearest place where combat is happening (you think the bar?) and proceed ready to stab anyone in the face.

Roomba (1) You head over to the currently unconstructed skate park.  As you watch it get finished, you decide to make your own skateboard out of a plank of wood, a couple of nails, and some wheels.
You almost immediately smash your finger with a hammer.

Superlagg (4): No one seems to care about the fact that a crazy lunatic is running around with a flamethrower.  So you grab an extinguisher and get ready for literally anything to happen.

Current situations:
Security Level:NUCLEAR! (Only personnel actively harming the crew or aiding the syndicates are to be dealt with)
Disk Location: NesMettaur
Nuke Location: Science
Time til Nuke Explodes: N/A
Fluke Ops Incoming: Not only is Awfulworldkid really bad at this, he was purposefully given terrible plans too.
Competent Medical Staff: Medical actions + for the station.
Rally of war: The captain has aroused the crew into action. + vs. Syndicates.
1 star Wanted:Hotcoffeemug (missing), Noah Buttes
3 star Wanted:Superlagg
Station Damage:Armory
Engineering, Mechanics, the Bar, the Kitchen, and medbay are open to anyone!
The Janitor's closet is open to anyone except scientists, Chef's, and Bartenders!
The Captain's Quarters is open to All heads of staff!
Hydroponics has been bolted down.
The Ore processing room is bolted open!
Communism (75%) vs. (5%) Capitalism vs. Anarchy (20%)
Well, that saves some time then.

I take the bedsheet from the Captain's bed and, with the scissors and some trusty wire, make a cape out of it. The remainder of the wire will be used to create wireart of a floppy disk right outside the Captain's quarters.

I'm not actually sure where this Disco Bikiniman thing is going, myself, but it feels right anyways. Maybe I should drag Jones somewhere with me, and he'll be my Disco Buddycat.
There seems to be something missing, here...

--Immediately stop building the skatepark, go to Engineering, slap all available construction materials (rods, steel, glass) inside a locker
--Return to the half-finished skatepark, continue working. Finish the halfpipe first, then the rails and funboxes.
--Add decorations, including a life-size statues of the Skategods themselves; Tony Falcon, Steve Coldquist, and Christ Campbell. Made of metal. Somehow.
I mutter into my earpiece (syndi channel) where the nuke is.


I roll over toward them furiously and succumb. Hoping the Microbomb can fuck them up.
well uhh....

i m gonna grab the skateboard and skate away hoping noone notices i put a hole into the armory.

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