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Major Stuck on skateboard after ingesting nanomachines
If nanomachines kick in and turn you into a borg while you are riding a skateboard (could be any other vehicle, I haven't tested), you will be completely unable to dismount and will be doomed to do sick flips forever.

How to replicate: 1) Eat a roboburger
                           2) Get on a skateboard
                            3) Skateboard until you are a borg
                            4) Skateboard until the round ends at lightning fast speed, punching through all solid matter.
It seems like nanomachines in general cause fuckiness when you're on/in certain objects, like cryotubes. Willing to bet this also happens if you somehow get borged in a gokart and similar situations.
Can you fall of any of those vehicles? Cus being stuck on a segway might have it's advantages.
we had this with the floor buffer once but they got out eventually
Try getting someone off a skateboard once they really get going.

At least you won't die of asphyxiation.

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