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I continue with YoukCat albeit still fuming with a fury unknown to the universe since the greek gods poured their wrath unto the mortals of the realm
I head over into maintenance to try and find station bounced radios.
In the kerfuffle, I pocket the cryoxadone beaker, bag the table-side wrench, and book it for the teleporter, intending to break the teleporter on the other side.

Superlagg [145.9] exclaims, "The medic is a vampire, they tried to flash me!!"
I decide fuck it, and fortify medbay then declare it a independent communist state
(08-18-2017, 03:40 AM)YoukCat Wrote: With new525, I activate the pod and wormhole to the Hanger and head up to the Armory, far from the station to stay out of sight. If New525 has objections, I stop immediately (and exit sight of station)

Being near the armory having unsuccessfully petitioned the HoS to open it, I see this pod out a nearby window
Bologna Prime (2): Your attempts to fight the drone have a pretty major problem.
Your pod has no weapons.
This doesn't deter you though, as you ram the drone at high speed before it noticed you.
Good news, the drone seems disabled.
Bad news, so does your pod.
You think you can still move it around, but it won't go very fast.

HotCoffeeMug (4): You chill with the clown, joining him on his escapades of doing nothing of consequence.

Vitatroll (n/a): You take care of your precious bee billy like any normal human being would.  That's a good billy.

LuigiThirty (2): You grab the nearest toolbox and head to the bar.  Your attempt at breaking the window open is stopped by the bartender standing right fucking there.
The bartender warns (with his trusty shotgun pointed at you) to stop what you're doing.

Quote:NateTheSquid:i suppose ill yell that theres a body in the kitchen that needs borging.

i swear some doctor said they were gonna come fix me, guess not

edit: assuming im still in the kitchen, i lost it somewhere in there
(I think since you went to salute to people, you're probably dying in a public area.  Also, a security officer came to check on you, but a door he had no access to stopped him while you were still in the kitchen and (Result:2) he didn't feel like trying harder.)

NateTheSquid: You weave in and out of consciousness in your crit state (6, +1 minute left).  (n/a)You say over the radio there's a body that needs to be borged and then give your location.

Lord Birb (3+): You click around the cameras til you hear over the radio the captain found a body that needs borging.
Upon checking his location, you start thinking he's talking about himself.

Berrik (6): Upon arriving on the shuttle, you successfully shove down several people to deliver the spaceman's hello.
Somehow, no one identified you during this.

NesMettaur (2): You switch on your internals and begin repairing the hull breach in podbay.
You're not putting in much effort, and the cold isn't helping.
This is gonna take a bit of time.

Youkcat + New525 (6) vs. Frank_Stein (6): Your entire team on the syndicate station (2 people fucking great oh my god) and teleport to outside the armory.  You manage to park outside the station nearby out of sight.

A security officer gets a glimpse of the pod during transition, but couldn't properly identify it.

Winklabom (3): Your attempts in finding a station radio bears no fruit right now.

Superlagg (6): "The medic's a vampire, he tried to stun me!"
There's no fucking way they're going to bel-wait a sec are they stuffing him in a Movement restriction jacket?
Two medics drag the third one out of medbay.  "He's lying you idiots!  How stupid are you?"  They seem to be heading to the chapel.  There's no way they're gonna buy this for long.
In the confusion, you sabotage the teleporter in mechanics.

fosstar (4-): Your annoyance at the station has reached an all time high.  Then you find a discarded newspaper speaking of the greatness of communism.
You've heard of worse reasons for revolution.
You get your medical team to start reinforcing medbay in preparations for a communist revolution..."Wait a sec, weren't there more of you?"
Apparently, a vampire is causing problems.
Your medical team has no problem with reinforcing medbay, though the lack of people makes the process a bit slow.

Current situations:
Security Level:Green
Disk Location: NesMettaur
Nuke Location: Syndicate Shuttle.
Time til Nuke Explodes: N/A
Fluke Ops Incoming: Not only is Awfulworldkid really bad at this, he was purposefully given terrible plans too.
Nuke Ops plan of Counterattack: Combat is + in New525 and Youkcat's favor.
Competent Medical Staff: Medical actions + for the station.
Misuse of funds:Shipping has no budget.
1 star Wanted:Hotcoffeemug (missing), Noah Buttes
2 star Wanted:Superlagg
Station Damage: Podbay (3 minutes til repaired)
Communism (10%) vs. (90%) Capitalism
Well, slow work's still work.

The only thing that'd keep me from finishing this repair job is, like, a pod with phasers or a drone or... something. What's the worst that could happen in three minutes?
With my emag in hand i search for a good way in
i decide to stay with the clown

maybe listen to the radio and see what people are doing
I open up a wormhole to the cargo beacon if possible, then try to nudge the disabled drone through and into the hangar. If the engines can't open a wormhole anymore I'll just wander the void until I find someplace to land.
I talk to the HoS again, telling them about the pod I just saw, making sure to point out that our podbay just exploded, making it pretty unlikely to be one of ours.

Perhaps we should raise the alert levels, arm a sec pod, and send someone to investigate?

Provided I can convince them, I'll grab some internals, a fire extinguisher, and the best space worthy gear I can find and do that
I'm Joining as an AI,

Seeing the giver of life has joined with the communists(they are part of medbay right?) i decide to become a communist as well. i help out by rigging the doors to only to open to comrades while playing inspiring music on the overhead to bring people to the cause
i try and convince the admins to blast whirlwinds of danger over the radio by praying for it and attempt to convince the ai to delete all money.
I make and put on a paper hat to match with Tanhony.
Man, Sec's gonna kick my ass once they figure out they've been duped by the oldest, dumbest trick in the book. Judging by how quick they bought that load, I figure that I've got about... infinity minutes before they wise up and come after me.

Better play it on the safe side.

Superlagg [145.9] exclaims, "Nice try with the teleporter trap headed RIGHT into the crusher! Almost got me!"

That oughta do it.

Then I remember someone yelling about a dead guy in the Kitchen. Oh no! Looks like someone's in need of assistance!

Not a moment to lose! I grab the nearest toolbox, toss the teleporter module in a bush, and take off full tilt for the Crew Quarters to pick up my assistance supplies: The fannypack, horse mask, and the dumb brown hat.

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