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I decide i'm fucking tired of this bourgeoisie oppression and rally my fellow workers in open communist revolt!
Frank_Stein (2): You get your things together and move out to see what's up with the clown.  By the time you reach their last location though, they're gone.  You don't even hear any squeaky shoes.

HotCoffeeMug (2): Searching around in maintenance yields nothing interesting.

Youkcat (6): You update yourself on the current situations.
Apparently, a couple people have been badly hurt by PDA explosions.  Nice.
People have no idea if there's a clown on the station.
Several people are acting like asshats and are currently minor security targets.
The Auth. Disk appears to be lost.  No one seems to be aware of its current location or is willing to say they found it yet.
You think you can use some of this information.

NesMettaur (automatic success): You successfully connect the two teleporters.  The areas in front of Mechanics and Medbay Lobby can now be considered the same place for a few people at a time.

Noah Buttes (2): Your actions seem to be stirring unrest in the station.  Your attempts to stay out of the way seem to be for naught when you happen upon a security officer, but you manage to slip away before he sees you.

Superlagg (6): Your trip to medbay heals you of all damage.  Incredibly amazing service also gets you really fast surgery.
You're no longer bleeding or missing an arm.

PH775ER (2): You think about what you did wrong, but can't think of any particular mistakes.  Must of been dumb luck.  You grab some boxing gloves and make another attempt.  You successfully break some windows and attempt to box some wasps to death.
The wasps overwhelm you though, and you're forced to retreat.
You don't feel good anymore.

Lord Birb (2): The clown begins to behave rather erratically.  After some time passes, you lose it.

Hydrofloric (1): You head straight to work like a good boy and immediately begin mixing some chemicals.  In your attempts to make healing chemicals, you accidentally carry the one at a vital point and end up making a very powerful explosive.
You did make stabilizer first, right?
You're bleeding now.

UmbraDrake (4): You decide to teach the monkeyborg basic instructions.  It seems to understand Grabbing, pushing, and pulling objects.  More complicated actions seem beyond its grasp.
You have no idea if the synth brain is any good or not.

Studenterhue (4): You successfully manage to activate the artifact with a bit of cyrostylane.  It's not immediately obvious what it does.

AwfulWorldKid (4--):You attempt to put the plan one of your subordinates radio'd to you into action.
Apparently, your part in the plan is to wait just out of sight and wait for a signal.
...this is boring.

New525 (6): Apparently, a Telecrystal error has occurred in your favor.  You're able to purchase more traitor gear than you were told.  Neato.

Vitatroll (1): You grab the nearest vuvzela and begin to make noises with it in something that can only describe a dead cat begging for mercy in pain.
So loud that the nearest security officer finds you and arrests you for it with way too many tazes than should be possible.
You find yourself in security.  Specifically, its brig.  You are also wearing clothes now.  Snazzy orange ones.
Apparently, you're expected to be here for two minutes for streaking and BEING REALLY FUCKING LOUD AND REALLY FUCKING ANNOYING!  Also known as disturbing the peace I guess.

fosstar (4): This station sucks kinda hard.  You decide enough is enough, and that communist revolution is the only way to make it better.  While a few of your co-workers share the sentiment, not very many of them consider open revolt a good idea at the moment.
At least it's not spreading rumors.

NateTheAquid (Noaction): You're really not feeling well. Maybe it's all the blood loss...

Current situations:
Disk Location: NesMettaur
Nuke Location: Syndicate Shuttle.
Time til Nuke Explodes: N/A
Fluke Ops Incoming: Not only is Awfulworldkid really bad at this, he was purposefully given terrible plans too.
Nuke Ops plan of Counterattack: Combat is + in New525 and Youkcat's favor.
Competent Medical Staff: Medical actions + for the station.
Misuse of funds:Shipping has no budget.
1 star Wanted:Hotcoffeemug (missing), Noah Buttes
Brig population:Vitatroll (2)
i'd like to scoop up a drinking glass, then scoop up my blood with that drinking glass, while i walk to medbay.

also i yell 'go communism'
"Well that went about as well as usual", I think. Fully satisfied with my temper tantrum, I decide to celebrate my recent incarceration. It's not that I'm happy being incarcerated -- I just like to party.

I use the random pills and alcohol, oft found in the brig, with the two eggplants I had stashed, godknowswhere, to make some kick-ass toilet PJ -- otherwise known as Party Juice. I don't even remove my clothes first; I quite like orange.
"I'm not gonna get much out of this borg, am I? It'll do. Go grab me some ore, I need to reclaim it. Now..."

I decide that it would be best to test the Synthbrain before putting it in the AI. The last thing we need is a mad AI. I place in a light cyborg shell and...
Losing track of the clown, I resume my search for anything entertaining around the station.
I go to cash in my coupon and strike up conversation with Shitty Bill and the diner crew, trying to form a band with them. I tell them my idea is that if soul music has been done a thousand times before people will love a hip new style: soulless music.
i think im legally blind but oh well if i cant find anything useful here there might be some off station ill head to the space diner.
I radio Awful to destroy all the pods in podbay. If Awful's current pod has no guns, then park outside podbay, get it, and blow up your syndicate pod first and then all the other pods.
Finally, it's about time. Let's touch the thing, maybe I'll free some adorable space bees in it.
I continue to be the thing that lurks in the darkness.
I go to podbay and start blowing shit up. Possibly including the pods.
On my way out of the cryolator, feeling as healthy as I am cold and wired, I try to pocket a beaker or two of cryoxadone while the doctor isn't looking, either from the table or inside one of the cryotubes, prepared to throw down if need be.

I also look to see if Headsurgeon is nearby. If anyone's dumb enough to let a Staff Assistant into Pathology, it'd be him. Boxform or otherwise.
Okay ow, I grab a brute patch from my medkit and slap it on. Then im going to repeat my actions making sure to carry that one. before heading to toxins to create some high quailty tank bombs for...defense.
I buy a spacker and as many macrobombs as my newly found TC glitch can afford

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