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Ideas of questionable quality
Drill Sargent Daniel's NRG bars: A NRG bar that is preloaded with rando stamina chems (probably epinephrine), drugs (and sugar) and hopefully beneficial food reagents. Over consumption is not a good idea as it may lead to a wild increase in blood pressure and or diabeetus related illness. This can not be legally called an energy bar as it's not an FDA approved energy bar.

Use in moderation.
Lowpop should get *more* antags in a round. Think about it, lowpop doesnt really stand a chance against a murderboner since they dont have the manpower to get the equipment to counter-robust the boner. But if most of the station are antags, there's a higher chance one of them'll murder your murderer and give you sweet, sweet catharsis.
The Apiarist should start with the Apidae Metabolism trait.
Make Kleptomania have you ingest edibles if youre holding them. Forced floorpills.
(06-27-2017, 01:55 PM)John Warcrimes Wrote: Make Kleptomania have you ingest edibles if youre holding them. Forced floorpills.

i'd say have a seperate trait: "Snacker: You always feel hungry. Chance to attempt to eat an object in your hand" which means you eat consumables in your hand or produce a message like 'Nathan Dunkleman nibbles on the crowbar!' on a chance thing with the same kind of timing that kleptomaniac has.
Thurman Thomas achievement for sacking someone with the football outfit.
You should be able to start a round Obese. You start with the Obesity gene and wearing a Bathrobe over Swimming Trunks.
Firing a gun or throwing an object while you have spell shield active causes the projectile to bounce back and hit you.
Give a (low) chance for AIs and borgs to have an alternative law set. I saw some of these in the code.
Some kind of unwieldy, tripod, daguerreotype camera that needs to be deployed as a static rideable object to be used. Takes grainy, black-and-white photos, and frequently puts a ghost in there somewhere.
Wielding a baseball bat allows you to see ghosts, with the message "You feel a faint urge to purify the world". You can see ghost chat more often, but it comes out as annoying "ha"s and gratuitous Japanese characters, and the ghosts all look like surreal crayon monster drawings with weird names.
to fix those gross issues with destroying walls that are there at roundstart/the escape shuttle area etc, make all tiles, one by one, reset their lighting. could happen every now and then, or just have it loop, but probably have like, a half a second delay between each tile, or something. wouldn't lag if its so slow
I forgot about this we came up with during a Martian round

Give Martians an ability that does nothing but put Yee in the target's bloodstream. It's called Reptilian Conspiracy.
This is probably terrible, but as a wraith/vampire counter measure it could be funny

Holy Hand grenades: Grenades that when activated spray holy water and salt in an area. Harmless to people (and not in enough density to make floors slippy)

Should damage vampires and wraiths and come in an unique container.

Preferably only unlockable by chaplain whacking the crate with a bible.

May be too much of a Monty python reference.
make emagging a clown horn cause it to play la cucaracha when honked

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