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[FEATURE] Chemmunity patch one!
This patch implements these first three responses from the Chemmunity patch thread:



Demonstration video of all the chemicals at once:

I actually managed to crash the server because I thought it'd be a good idea to test this with 124 monkeys stacked on one tile.

oh no
Wait which of these chems ia causing a massive foam fire
The stabilized foam /might/ have been used with something fiery just to show off the foaminess.
(06-24-2017, 06:59 AM)awfulworldkid Wrote: The stabilized foam /might/ have been used with something fiery just to show off the foaminess.

Phlogiston and ClF3 to be precise.
Wait, so does all the stabilised foam turn foamy right away, or does the first bit of foam carry more foam further into the fire, and so on, for huge foam party benefit?
(06-24-2017, 09:20 AM)John Warcrimes Wrote: Wait, so does all the stabilised foam turn foamy right away, or does the first bit of foam carry more foam further into the fire, and so on, for huge foam party benefit?

Well shit. Guess I need to add foam powder to the banned reagents list of the foam_spread effect.

Edit: DONE
your code editor uses the wrong encoding, please switch to ISO/IEC 8859-1 from whatever flavor of UTF you are using pls and thank
Am I a dummy or would the stable foam make old foam and smoke powder objectively inferior and pointless to make?
I dunno about old foam, but smoke powder gets chemicals into the bloodstream, so it's not objectively worse than foam.
(06-24-2017, 10:45 PM)zewaka Wrote: your code editor uses the wrong encoding, please switch to ISO/IEC 8859-1 from whatever flavor of UTF you are using pls and thank

I had to copy and paste the code I wrote using atom and dream maker into github's web editor because both the git client and sourcetree decided to stop working at all.
So you could probably use this to cause foam reactions in multiple people by smoking it. Interesting! Also should probably make it react violently with nitro, unless you already added that.

Edit: unless that's what the first part of the patch does, I'm not too familiar with the code.
(06-25-2017, 01:26 PM)lambskin Wrote: So you could probably use this to cause foam reactions in multiple people by smoking it. Interesting! Also should probably make it react violently with nitro, unless you already added that.

Edit: unless that's what the first part of the patch does, I'm not too familiar with the code.

God damn it.
The only chem I would implement out of this bunch is Buttium.
I did pledge that I'd implement one of the patches that came out of Chemmunity.

Having said that, the foam powder terrifies me greatly. I might go back on my promise and skip over that one.

Buttium and Expungium seem alright to me, though, although I don't see any code for ways to make it. Intending it to be admin-only or do you expect them to have a secret recipe, Noah?

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