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Chemmunity: a collaborative chem project where no suggestion is too dumb
Bees Wax
Pale yellow by itself, takes color of what its mixed with.
Pour it to form candles. Heating it causes it to slowly deplete. Mixing it with other reagents creates scented candles that release smoke localized to the candle
Unstable Murrtagen
A downy, earth-toned clump smelling of dogs and regret.
Turns you into a critter at some point like Polymorph. The resulting critter can be influenced by various combinations of chems or mutations. Find the hidden recipe that turns your friends into a space bear or something. A major overdose gibs you into cats or lizard people.
Liquid Fart

Whatever that green color we use for frozen farts is.

Decays very slowly when injected into blood. If the host starts bleeding for any reason, it begins decaying far more quickly as farts rapid-fire from the now peirced/bleeding person. Possibly with high enough amounts have it decay a large amount at once to unleash a super fart or fling the host in a random direction ala rocket boots with a fart sound.
(06-18-2017, 05:17 PM)Berrik Wrote:  sperg chemists.

this is just sarin but worse and also that ^
VX is sarin but worse IRL too.
Vacculium - name highly negotiable

Stabalized Solarite

What makes it different:
A chemical normally only found on planets near stars due to its reliant on heat to remain stable, how it reacts to lower temperatures depends on if oxygen or hydrogen is nearby (notes below)

Synthesis notes
Notably it is NOT stable at room temperature, you will need to take great care to ensure that when it comes into existence that it will be sufficiently heated. Failure to do so results in an explosion similar to potassium and water - or worse if either hydrogen or oxygen is present

Chemical interactions
When chilled and placed in the prescence of an rich container oxygen it ignites into a large fireball, not terribly dangerous compared to hydrogen but definitely harmful. keep in mind that primary method of cooling uses Cryostylane and oxygen

When chilled in a hydrogen rich environment it violently explodes. The explosion scales with volume. Keep in mind that because chilling requires the chemicals oxygen and Cryostylane that making a large explosion requires either a larger beaker or shorter fuse

Grey reagent that can be used to make special floor tiles. Stepping on a wet concrete floor tile will ruin it and may cause you to get stuck.

Maybe in the future it could also be used to make lifelike statues of crewmen.
(06-19-2017, 11:23 AM)atomic1fire Wrote: Concrete:

Grey reagent that can be used to make special floor tiles. Stepping on a wet concrete floor tile will ruin it and may cause you to get stuck.

Maybe in the future it could also be used to make lifelike statues of crewmen.

This would be best done using materials. I am not touching materials ever again.

Regrettably rejected.

I have not had much time to actually work on anything with all these severe storms in my area, but rest assured, they will get done.
I really only suggested concrete because "Glue/Super Glue/etc" have all been suggested before and I kind of want an annoying alternative to space lube that isn't ice. A thing that makes floors stucky rather than slippy.

An inky black substance smelling of old parchment and silly putty.

When ingested, all speech and text messages become incomprehensible gibberish to the player, and anything the player says is likewise unintelligible. Think Swedishness on steroids. Overdose would make the player constantly spout nonsense until their voice burns out.

Used properly, this could be amazingly debilitating, a huge distraction, or just a harmless prank.
Noah.... storm... coding..

[Image: o52KTKf.jpg]
(06-19-2017, 09:14 PM)Xaviens Wrote: Babble-on

An inky black substance smelling of old parchment and silly putty.

When ingested, all speech and text messages become incomprehensible gibberish to the player, and anything the player says is likewise unintelligible. Think Swedishness on steroids. Overdose would make the player constantly spout nonsense until their voice burns out.

Used properly, this could be amazingly debilitating, a huge distraction, or just a harmless prank.
This one is great

If you can't think of amazing things to do with this and easy ways to make recipes for it and other chems off it, I'm just sad.

We need more horrible scarring radioactive poisons please, tia
(06-20-2017, 09:07 AM)SageAcrin Wrote:

If you can't think of amazing things to do with this and easy ways to make recipes for it and other chems off it, I'm just sad.

We need more horrible scarring radioactive poisons please, tia

I feel like the only way it becomes useful is if it's used in making viable nuclear fuel. In which case I'm pretty sure that involves materials.

I actually want this because more rad chems are fun, but also because it sounds like the precursor chem already exists in game.

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