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Chemmunity: a collaborative chem project where no suggestion is too dumb
By collaborative, I mean you guys will come up with all the ideas while I actually make this stuff.

Basically, you guys post ideas for new chems, and I will make a mini-patch for each of those suggestions, in order.

Some rules apply:
1. Only one suggestion per post, no poster may have more than one suggestion pending at a time.

2. Nothing impossible. No chems that punch people through the computer screen IRL.

3. Nothing involving borgs or materials.

4. Nothing involving atmos unless it's really simple.

5. Be sure to include, a name, a physical description, and an effect in your suggestion.

6. Do not include a recipe in your suggestion. I am intentionally going to leave out recipes so that the coders can adjust them as they see fit.

7. Suggestions will be addressed on a first-come first-served basis. Don't complain if your suggestion gets held up because someone before you had a really tough idea to implement.

8. Farty party all the time

Follow these rules, and I guarantee I will eventually make a patch for your chem.
Any suggestions that violate or ignore these rules will be disregarded.
I am going to pledge that I will implement at least one (1) Noah Buttes patch that comes about as a result of this because I too have a fondness for terrible ideas.
Make fluorosurfactant + water + stabilizing agent make a reagent named 'foam' that creates foam at 374K plz
Expungium - Black and Soul sucking - Paints everything black(on contact), and Destroys small(pocket-sized) objects
Brown and Dirty
Make drinker grow a butt on top of their head. This butt acts like a stitched butt, and cannot be taken off.
A homogeneous deep purple substance
Banishes whoever drinks it to a random telesci location
Unstable Hootagen:

Infects the drinker with a disease that will slowly turn them into an owl.
a musty gray slime
it increases your character's age
Acetaminophen/Paracetamol: Works similar to salicylcic acid, but has an overdose amount and interacts with ethanol form a poison. (Probably just the plain toxin reagent would work.) To counter balance the negative effects, it should be more effective at healing damage than salicylic acid.

That said, Acetaminophen might already be hidden in the code somewhere.
to go with Ageinium

Super Ageinium
A wrinkled musty gray slime. Smells like retirement homes.

May infect your character with very old age if kept too long in your bloodstream. Which cause degenerative diseases to appear/accumulate/worsen with several stages.
Luchanium - Grants the same wrestling abilities as the Wrestling Belt while it's in your system and boosts your unarmed attack damage. The more Luchanium in your system, the higher the chance of cardiac failure/your heart exploding.

A red and blue liquid. Smells like gym sweat.

Must be injected to work properly.
VX, a perfectly clear, odorless substance.

Works similar to sarin, except if it's applied to tiles (foaming, or even pouring it on), it hangs around for a REALLY fucking long time and applies the touch reaction to anyone not in a biosuit with air, allowing it to be a nasty area denial nerve agent. Hanging around a while is what makes it different and desireable compared to sarin.

If you want to make it even more obnoxious, have it also spread to unwary do-gooders just by them touching you without decontamination (spray the victim down with bleach and/or water before you slap on that atropine injector) -and- have it remain on corpses killed by VX, requiring careful handling of a dead body!

A very mean thing to put in the cloning pod (or the cryo tube). Removing it from floor tiles requires FIRE. Or, alternately, having borgs physically remove the tiles and get rid of them. Hose the borgs down afterwards!

The synthesis process is a bit similar to sarin but seems a bit more complex. Definitely one of those nasty hellchems for sperg chemists.
Chainsauce, a mixture of metal teeth and scrap suspended in oil.

While in your system, any actual arms will fall off. If you have no arms, the reagent will attempt to place chainsaws on your stumps similar to how super hairgrownium will repeatedly give you moustaches. I guess the same effect could be achieved by just replacing arms with chainsaws, but I don't know which would be easier to code.
Dear God, what have I done?
Haha. I actually expected things to be wilder. Smart on you to cut it to one per person.

Name: Regurginol
Description: An odious, pale-brown slurry of what appears to be mom's spaghetti.
Effect: Gives the affected a timed trait (like reversium) thatĀ causes the mass emesis effect to fire randomly over a period of time.

For reference.

Oh, and lol at No. 3.

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