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[Antagonists] The Hivemind
We are one. We are many.

The Hivemind is the size of how many Nuclear Operatives would have been in the round if it was a Nuke round. The Hivemind is a group of individuals that all share a link, and have several powers to aid them.

Hive Chat
This is very important. Even while dead, all members are connected to this chat. Dead Members can choose to observe any of the Hive Mind, and as such can be used to relay information even after death. This functions a lot like the Synthetic Chat in how you talk. But it's also more formatted like the Changeling Hivemind. Do what you want with that coders.

Acidic Body
The Hive has a very unique blood type. The Blood is like acid, and will burn anyone who gets it on them. Along with that, it's yellow. So as soon as a bleeding object is introduced forgo all stealth. Along with that, the blood is extra slippery and will burn those that slip on it. Hive Members are immune to the slip, of course.

Acidic Spit
They share the Changeling's Acid Spit. This helps a bit in combat, I guess.

Hive Awareness
This is a power they have kinda like Clairvoyance for the wizard. However, it only detects fellow Hive Members. Use it if you need to figure out where your allies are when they're caught and/or dying from suffocation or whatever. Along with this, the entire Hive is notified when a member dies.

Mimick Voice
Due to how their anatomy works, they can mimick voices much like the Changeling. This can help in distracting the crew or disguises. Mostly disguises.

Acidic Stasis
This is a nerfed version of the Changeling Regenerative Stasis. It allows the user to slip into unconsciousness and heal. It's completely like the Regenerative Stasis except, instead of looking dead, a special examine text shows that they're foaming with acid.

Blood Boil
Much like the Handspider Burst, they can burst their own bodies. They allows them to give one last FUCK YOU to enemies, generally burning their enemies quite a bit and making slippery blood all over the place that further burns.

Hive Rebirth
The Hive don't die when their bodies die. Remember earlier that their consciousness stays in the Hive and can keep observing and examining? Well, a Hive Member can Neck-grab a person much like how a Changeling can absorb someone, and will begin an obvious 20 second long acidic transformation. At the end of it, the dead Hive Member will wake up as that new person and the old person will join the hive IF they lived through the body takeover.
seems like a good take on changeling basically. literally why do i bother posting on youk's ideas when the comment is obviously "its good"
(06-16-2017, 11:48 PM)NateTheSquid Wrote: seems like a good take on changeling basically. literally why do i bother posting on youk's ideas when the comment is obviously "its good"

This is actually one part of three ideas I have, but they all work on their own so i thought I'd post them all seperately. They're all aimed to sorta split changeling and nerf changeling. This one takes the Hive Mind and Acid and a bit more from the Changeling, in order to capitalize on that.
I was gonna day that it was too similar to Changeling but as one aspect of splitting up Changeling it is super neat.
Yeah splitting up the aspects of changeling into different antagonist types seems like an interesting experiment. Let's give it a shot.
This is a great idea
How about some alternatives to the changeling aesthetic. Abilities could be the same just with different flavor text or effects. Some ideas:
  • Parasites, like one of Ukulele Cat's previous idea with sprites I made
  • Synthetic/Robotic humans, maybe something like thin-men from Xcom
  • Evolved plasma spores that look like people but have no organs and are filled with plasma gas.
  • Magical origin, maybe a cult?
I agree that aesthetically it feels to similar to changeling, changing it to look behave a bit differently but function the same would be the suggested light approach.

I like the idea of the cult concept. Perhaps we could go down some lovecraftian route, them bleeding yellow could be a nod to the king in yellow. Perhaps them revolving around a cult could fit into the currently vacant objectives?
This is a pretty good idea. Maybe we can reclaim some ideas from this thread and turn the Hivemind into some kind of team-based objective gamemode, with things like transforming into different forms to assist with completing objectives. 
Kinda like Goonstation's special take on the Cult gamemode, but with space abominations instead of space lunatics.
Hm. Hm! This would be interesting as a team-based Ling round. They'd be nerfed versions of changelings that all share the same hivemind, with much of their one-on-one curbstomp abilities changed to rely more on teamwork and intel and shit.

Things like mind-jumping into fellow hivemates to help them out and boost their abilities.

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