Ferriswheel's Mentor Application
Usual Character Name: Urist Tannhauser 
BYOND Username: Ferriswheel
Recommended by (if applicable): Avack32  
Times Available: Usually around 7:00pm-10:00pm GMT 
Reason for Application + Game Experience (300 word minimum): 
I like teaching, and I also like learning, and I've heard that through teaching, you also learn a lot as well. Despite everything, I also like this dumb 2D farts simulator as well. Interaction with other players, especially through teaching and learning from each other, is one of the greatest things about SS13.
I've taught newbies that happened to walk into robotics quite a few times, and I enjoyed taking them through the basics of the controls and making robots.  
I'm usually found in medical, sec or robotics roles, and I feel fairly experienced in them and most other roles with the exception of chef and barman. I've tinkered around with the engine a little bit as well, and know how to set up a hellburn that will earn a nice pile of cash.
I’d like to think I’m pretty well-versed in the healing side of chemistry, and I’ll often spend a good while whipping up healing mixes as a MD. I know the tricks of making a mint as QM, and how to spend that cash on kitting out a sweet pod.
As I said above, I’m often found as sec, which I would consider the trickiest job-role in the game, requiring focus on many different areas. It’s easy to make mistakes, and I see sec as a role where I would still like to improve my playstyle and hopefully help other players avoid some of the major pitfalls.
I'm familiar with the basics of toxins, although I can’t boast of being all that good at making booms. I’m experienced with telescience and the adventure zone, and know how navigate the starless wastes of pathology as well. I can build and repair most stuff that can be built and repaired on the station.
In conclusion then, I’ve probably spent far too much time playing a daft dated space game, and I’d like to be able to help more people get into this endless waste of time as a mentor.
Previous Bans (While this will not affect your application lying about it will): One! For something really dumb that I'll not be repeating anytime soon. (Blowing up arrivals as a non-traitor). 
Sure, i've seen

you around quite

 a bit and know things while also 
being a good helpful sec officer
I've seen Urist around and he seems to be a pretty good guy who's competent at sec. Yes.
Urist is a very good player, and I think they'd be very capable of answering all/most of the questions that usually show up.

Never had any bad experiences and from what I played with you, you know stuff. A yes for me
No bad experiences knows their shit and is not living shit. You get a big ol check mark ✔
100$ yes
Absolutely, but why so bold?
Urist would make a great mentor.
Yup, you always seem like a good player and willing to help those in need.

Yes from me.
To be honest, I thought you were already a mentor. You're always very helpful whenever I stumble into your medbay, and I can trust you to be as competent a doctor as you are incomprehensible a spaceman. A solid yes from me.
Purple good urst doctor yee
y e s
I thought you were a mentor already, so sure.

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