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Vampire Overhaul (ver. 2, OP updated!)
(06-07-2017, 06:20 PM)Mageziya Wrote:
(06-07-2017, 05:45 PM)Wraithcraft Wrote: vampires are now op and can only be defeated by someone with the last name joestar

I mean, Dio's outfit is an achievement unlock for surviving a round as a vampire.

i know collar is just a little high for my liking now it is time to cosplay as dio brando without a cool time-stop power
Base the vampires abilitys off of the JoJo varient of vampires.

EDIT: We should be able to do this with legs
only if I can scream WHAMU at people before blowing them up with air
(06-07-2017, 10:43 AM)locusts Wrote: I think a blood ritual works better for tainting the chapel, Vampire Lord/Lady works better as an achievement for accumulating so much blood. Bear in mind that to even begin tainting the chapel the Vampire would have to accumulate 1500 blood.

Here's a concept for how tainting the chapel with blood sacrifices could work.
- The Vampire places a mark (Vampire's Taint or something, I know I'm typing "taint" a lot please don't laugh) in the Chapel. This has a blood cost and cannot be removed.
- This starts a hidden counter. Once it reaches, let's say, 10, the mark reaches maximum power, the chapel is defiled and the Vampire has won.
- Bringing a body and placing it into the mark (grab and click) consumes the body and increases the counter by one.
- If someone dies inside the chapel, that increases the counter by one. The body can also be fed to the mark, as above, for two points total.
- Feeding a live person to the mark gives you three points.
- The mark is initially visible only to the vampire, but becomes visible to mortals and grows in size as it gets fed.
- Potentially, the Vampire could sacrifice blood points to increase the counter. 500 points to increase it by 1 seems reasonable, and can't be regenerated back very quickly.

If you go this route the crew really needs a way to reduce the counter/remove the mark given the number of corpses on the average station. I also disagree that bombing the chapel should not be effective, solving problems with excessive amounts of explosives is a time-honored goon tradition.
I'm trying to think of fun ways to remove the mark for the crew, and all I've got so far is the idea that people can voluntarily throw themselves into the hellmouth to remove 3 points from the counter, which kills them and destroys their body.
I kinda like calling the mark a "Brand"

Like the vampire has burned his name onto the chapel. "We need to destroy the Vampire brand"

Mark sounds underwhelming and taint sounds slightly like an innuendo.

The only way to remove it outside of destroying the floor and screwing up the atmosphere could be to use lots of holy water proportional to how emblazoned the brand is.

That way the crew can just spray that one spot with holy water filled spray bottles, flamethrowers, and fire extinguishers.

Oh and the Brand or mark or whatever could increase in size proportional to how many people have fed it, slowly occupying more tiles, which also explains how it's more visible.
(06-10-2017, 04:09 AM)locusts Wrote: I'm trying to think of fun ways to remove the mark for the crew, and all I've got so far is the idea that people can voluntarily throw themselves into the hellmouth to remove 3 points from the counter, which kills them and destroys their body.

Cue a pair of enterprising mechanics building and operating a cloner in the chapel so people can continually get scanned, throw themselves into the brand, and then get cloned. The only issue for them is getting enough biomass, and you can use Synthflesh for that.
from the depths of the thread void, i command you, rise!  A Pope culture icon.
One thing I really don’t like about vampires is their weakness to holy water. They can mitigate their other weaknesses, but even if they have full chapel immunity, it still harms them. Holy water is extremely easy to make in gargantuan quantities by any half-competent barman/chemist, and there’s no penalty for smoking/foaming/shotgunning glasses at anyone suspected of being a vampire, since it’s actually helpful to anyone who isn’t one. I think it takes away from the game when you have a 100% effective AoE weapon that can be spammed with absolutely no risk to anyone who isn’t the antag in question.
Yeah with the new fluid dynamics system as well, Holy Water has become a massive threat to Vampires.
I would say, keep it as a detection system by having the vampire scream or hiss when exposed to it, maybe remove the burn damage but add some slow down or something?

Some alternative, harder to mass produce vampire hunting gear should be paired with any Holy Water nerf
It's a tricky needle to thread. My initial reaction was that you could simply make Holy Water harder to acquire, for instance by making it so that only the Chaplain could produce it, and even then only in limited quantities, but knowing the playerbase I wouldn't be surpised if that was instantly worked around.

Regardless, some of the ideas produced in this thread as well as recent changes to the game make me think a revised version of the OP is in order, so I'll keep reading what people post and update it in the near future.
Let the crew use screwdrivers as stakes.
yeah even before liquid stuff theres been plenty of times where i've been outed as a perfectly sneaky vampire because some other vampire got caught so suddenly theres holy water foam everywhere (especially on the shuttle) which not only makes vamps scream and shit, it also almost always crits them if its in foam
Castlevania vampire abilities, including a weaker version of fireball that can only be performed when wearing a cape.

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