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[Feature] Discount Dan's Covfefe
Adds Discount Dan's Covfefe to the coffee vendors. It's ersatz coffee with the usual Discount Dan's quality/nasty reagents so it can't legally be called coffee. It costs 1 credit. Regular coffee now costs 2 credits.

Uses the regular coffee sprite and behavior. I wasn't sure which vendor to put it in so I just put it in the coffee vendor.

LOOOT of extra stuff in here not related to the commit. I'd recommend getting that branch in order. You should be comparing to the goonstation-2016-byond510 branch, too, rather than master, for the sake of simplicity.
I'm not sure what happened. Here's a fixed commit.
I'd split the 10 units of VHFCS into 5 of each VHFCS and coffee, so it actually kinda is coffee. That, or add coffee to each of the random picks, so the amount of actual coffee is variable (or do both, so if you're super lucky you might actually get something that is almost coffee!)
It's based on ersatz coffee, which is just some kind of plant root, water, and whatever flavors you have laying around when there's no coffee. I could cut the VHFCS to 5 and add a mild stimulant in place of coffee so you get the same effect. 25 water, 5 VHFCS, 5 stimulant, and 15 units of maybe dangerous reagents seems right for Discount Dan.
Make the drug random? 5u of meth, space drugs, cat drugs, coffee, or crank.
I don't think even Nanotrasen would let you sell crank or meth out of a public vending machine. Maybe it has to be hacked first in that case?
Nailed it.
All right, how's this look?
One suggestion from me: the only Dan's item to use the original "Discount Dan's" name is the instant noodles, with the others using variants like Spooky Dan's, Hungry Dan's, or Little Danny's. Maybe come up with a new name for this one. I was thinking Sleepy Dan's but someone else probably has a more original idea.
Not to rain on your parade but Trump is pretty pleased about how the Covfefe thing has spread so this joke is dead already. I back calling it a different name though.
If we don't want the Covfefe joke, we could name it Kaffie. Like the pizza with WYNGZ where WYNGZ has a strict definition and includes no wing meat. Sounds like caffeine, too.

Sleepy Dan's Kaffie
Freshman Danny's Kaffie
Cranky Dan's Kaffie
Engineer Dan's Kaffie

...of course now I want to add Hungry Dan's Wyngz to the snack machines, with cholesterol, VHFCS, and drugs instead of meat.
Idea: In Discount Dan's fashion, have a bunch of variations of drinks with different chemical cocktails with a bit of coffee and a shit ton of sugar, and give them all bullshit Starbucks names.

Iced Caramel Maechoiato 
Pubkin Spiced Latte
Unicluwne Frappuccino
Forgot about this, changed the name to something more SS13-y.

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