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Security - The Thread
personally im an equal opportunity mugger 

wealth, social status, occupation matter not to me
Hey folks.

Breaking News Developing... Reminder to not derail this thread. Breaking News Developing... 

The point of these few threads were to show we could do that at least once. Let's give it an honest effort.
Adding onto that reminder.

Things about game mechanics should be here.

Things about social problems should be taken here instead.
I have a few ideas for some extra grenades for sec's riot/grenade launcher. Currently it only has wimpy smoke shells, and I feel it could be given more uses.  

Goober Grenade 

A grenade containing a large mass of expanding Smartgoo™, that shortly after launching, rapidly expands out of the grenade shell to cover a large area in sticky goo. Anyone caught in the initial expansion will be covered in goo, and will suffer serious movement penalties. The goo covering can be removed using resist, which takes around 10 seconds. The floor coated by the goo causes  a smaller amount of slowdown for anyone moving through, until it's cleaned up. 

Available from round-start from the sec vendors. 

Net Grenade

Not so much a grenade as a weighted net with wadding and propellant stuffed into the riot launcher. The net is represented as a single projectile. On hit, the target is covered in netting and seriously slowed. Being caught in the net results in the target being unable to move whilst dragged, as with handcuffs. The net can be removed using resist, taking around 30 seconds to be removed.  

Available from round-start from the sec vendors. 

Ticket Grenade

Tired of your tremendously witty citations being ignored by their intended recipients? Fire them at them from a grenade launcher! Nothing says "responsible policing" like having a cautionary note served directly to your hand at twice the speed of sound. This comes with an empty plastic shell, which tickets or pieces of paper can be placed inside. When someone is hit by a shell, the ticket will be placed into an empty hand, unless they are holding items in both hands, in which case it will bean them on the head. 

Available from sec vendors at round-start. 

Cyro Grenade

Identical to the cyro grenade available from the experimental weapons crate, except for being able to be shoved into a riot launcher, and only ice-cubing people, rather than icing up the floor. 

Avaliable from the armoury. 

Arc Grenade  

A grenade that, on impact, releases electrical arcs within a small area. These arcs can stun targets for a limited time, but also cause minor burns. The confined nature of the arcs means that the firer is largely safe from the arc's impact, if fired from a sufficient range. 

Available from the armory. 

Incendiary Grenade

FWOOSH! A flaming ball of fun, now compatible with the grenade launcher! Similar to the high-range incendiary grenade in that it doesn't melt floors, but has a slightly smaller radius. Good for fighting blobs or changelings at long-range. 

Available from the armory.
(05-30-2017, 01:22 PM)ferriswheel1 Wrote: I have a few ideas for some extra grenades for sec's riot/grenade launcher. Currently it only has wimpy smoke shells, and I feel it could be given more uses.  

[cool ideas]

Available from the armory.
i support this heavily and would very much like these
green arrow grenade, to the rescue
Just let anything that's a grenade be loaded into the grenade launcher, and also add those new ones.

Also the ticket round should staple it to them like a sticker.
(05-31-2017, 02:16 AM)Berrik Wrote: Just let anything that's a grenade be loaded into the grenade launcher, and also add those new ones.

Also the ticket round should staple it to them like a sticker.

This would be an appropriate buff as stated in my original post which I felt the grenade launcher was a bit lackluster. It'd also work very well with smoke grenades just being available in the vender. Shooting it fires the grenade automatically activated. If you're some cool code wiz you could make it a hold-click, holding it cooks the grenade, releasing it fires it. Give it a 2 grenade capacity, meaning sec can strategically put in their grenades in a certain order: Smoke n fire, flashbang and smoke, etc.

This would make the gun an amazing addition. Rather than now, with it being literally being a decoration.
The grenade launcher stuff does sound pretty awesome.

One of the biggest problems I find playing security is trying to pin down an antags location. So what about if we could have some kind of cameradrone (sorta like a flasher in that they would be portable and you wrench them down) but when they detect a person set to arrest it pings security pdas saying "Ursit McCriminal was spotted at Medbay Maintainence by cameradrone1!". Not entirely sure but this might be an annoying way to spam security pdas...
Give Sec body cameras. Also free medical implants, and also let their PDAs get messages from those implants if they don't already.
(05-31-2017, 11:13 AM)Tombi Wrote: The grenade launcher stuff does sound pretty awesome.

One of the biggest problems I find playing security is trying to pin down an antags location. So what about if we could have some kind of cameradrone (sorta like a flasher in that they would be portable and you wrench them down) but when they detect a person set to arrest it pings security pdas saying "Ursit McCriminal was spotted at Medbay Maintainence by cameradrone1!". Not entirely sure but this might be an annoying way to spam security pdas...

Right now you can ask the AI to give you updates. I've suggested a waypoint system where the AI can tag the person and you get something that directs you to them whenever they are on AI cameras. 

I haven't used it too much, but I know there is a machine that gives you info for when ID cards are used to open doors. Can't remember if you can set that to track a specific person and only get updates for when they use doors, but that could also help. Getting info and putting it to a practical use really helps security, so more upgrades along that line would help out. I think if the Sec area had some kind of command center that more or less gave you AI level tracking but required someone to stay there, that could be interesting. An Oracle to the HoS' Batman.

A minor thing I'd like: Add the siren functionality to the regular Sec helmets. I like going weewoo when in pursuit mode, but the regular siren helmet is ugly. 

Also, adding a UI button for the whistle could help. I'd love to use that thing as means of saying "Hey, everyone shut up and stop moving for a second." But it's a pain to get it out in hand.

Alternatively, give us a bullhorn for shouting down people
Fun fact: Everyone gets health implants, they just don't work right for whatever reason.
(05-31-2017, 12:20 PM)awfulworldkid Wrote: Fun fact: Everyone gets health implants, they just don't work right for whatever reason.

Do you mean the ones you see on the floor after stuffing someone into the enzymatic reclaimed? That's actually a result from being scanned in the cloner. Getting scanned also implants you. It's just that most people don't get scanned until they are already dead, and then are immediately reclaimed and cloned, without being scanned again to get a new implant
(05-31-2017, 12:07 PM)Frank_Stein Wrote:
(05-31-2017, 11:13 AM)Tombi Wrote: The grenade launcher stuff does sound pretty awesome.

One of the biggest problems I find playing security is trying to pin down an antags location. So what about if we could have some kind of cameradrone (sorta like a flasher in that they would be portable and you wrench them down) but when they detect a person set to arrest it pings security pdas saying "Ursit McCriminal was spotted at Medbay Maintainence by cameradrone1!". Not entirely sure but this might be an annoying way to spam security pdas...

Right now you can ask the AI to give you updates. I've suggested a waypoint system where the AI can tag the person and you get something that directs you to them whenever they are on AI cameras. 

I haven't used it too much, but I know there is a machine that gives you info for when ID cards are used to open doors. Can't remember if you can set that to track a specific person and only get updates for when they use doors, but that could also help. Getting info and putting it to a practical use really helps security, so more upgrades along that line would help out. I think if the Sec area had some kind of command center that more or less gave you AI level tracking but required someone to stay there, that could be interesting. An Oracle to the HoS' Batman.

A minor thing I'd like: Add the siren functionality to the regular Sec helmets. I like going weewoo when in pursuit mode, but the regular siren helmet is ugly. 

Also, adding a UI button for the whistle could help. I'd love to use that thing as means of saying "Hey, everyone shut up and stop moving for a second." But it's a pain to get it out in hand.

Alternatively, give us a bullhorn for shouting down people

I tend to be reluctant in asking the ai to directly intervene because in my experience trying to always lookout for some person is 1. boring (eventually) 2. disorienting (seriously the camera system sucks). So I was thinking more automated, however, I do like your suggestion for a kind of command hq for security and the ID on doors is also neat. Additionally I like the idea of pda tracking, maybe something similar to how the nuke trackers works but as a file you use from a sec pda? Would make tracking implants more useful.
I really like the idea of a sec tracking centre, mainly because without an AI, sec's ability to find people who do a runner is seriously limited. It should still be able to be operated by the AI, or perhaps give the AI the tracking functionality independent of the centre.
I do see on other servers a computer in the bridge that have the sole purpose of locating people (probably based on their ID).

I don't see why security can't have something like it.  It would make finding people easier with someone who has eyes on their general location.

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