05-30-2017, 02:35 AM
Literally just had a rev round. Five people. 3 rev heads, one normal person, and the captain. Captain suicided cause they were leaving, we won. Need at least 10 people, at the minimum, or less rev leaders
disable rev for lowpop
05-30-2017, 02:35 AM
Literally just had a rev round. Five people. 3 rev heads, one normal person, and the captain. Captain suicided cause they were leaving, we won. Need at least 10 people, at the minimum, or less rev leaders
05-30-2017, 03:14 AM
But yes, agreed.
08-27-2017, 07:29 AM
Maybe also check for number of heads in comparison to normal crew.
08-27-2017, 07:38 AM
Rev rounds blow, yes please
08-27-2017, 12:46 PM
why is this two post thread necro'd.
its still a good point though, rev sucks with low people
08-27-2017, 02:39 PM
Ironically, I feel like lowpop might be the only time where the Heads have any human chance of actually beating the Rev's. High pop is actually almost worse because there's next to no hope for the Heads.
That said, I haven't actually witnessed a lowpop rev round, so I don't know how it tends to play out.
09-02-2017, 01:35 PM
Yeah, the only rev round I was ever part of had me as the rev leader, with maybe 10 people in the round. The captain and one sec decided to just go loyalty implant every person they could find, whereas I figured I'd lay low for a little bit. Next thing I know I am saying hello to the Captain as he enters Cargo, then the round is over. So fricking lame.
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