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Most notable Goon players of all time
and why did they stick out to you?
dexter grifflez: hes around a lot, and his gibs are very noticable
Here's a few that stick out to me:

Mike Murdock = A gimmicky person that's not an asshole. They also play along with my gimmicks like TROLLGAR, and I think I've had some of my most fun with Trollgar whenever Murdock was around. Along with that, one of the faces I saw when I was just beginning.

Molly Millions (i think it was that) = The Robust Chef that always feeds poison. They're a kind person and they also use emotes much more often than others, making them even more memorable. They were also one of the first people I saw around.

NateTheSquid (nathan something, or KRAKEN I think) = An expert AI player and not a bad normal player.

YoukCat = that player is awesome like really that player is god and should be coder totally yeah no jokez

Dexter Grifflez = Fun person to be around mostly. One of the best players on. Robust and knowledgable, yet still fun to play around.

That's all I can think of just this moment.
(05-28-2017, 10:13 PM)YoukCat Wrote: Here's a few that stick out to me:

Mike Murdock = A gimmicky person that's not an asshole. They also play along with my gimmicks like TROLLGAR, and I think I've had some of my most fun with Trollgar whenever Murdock was around. Along with that, one of the faces I saw when I was just beginning.

How quickly you forget Quizard the wizard teaching you magic missile. :c

Jay Wolff, Dexter Grifflez, Tumany Cooks and Strawberry the Clown.
(05-28-2017, 10:13 PM)YoukCat Wrote: NateTheSquid (nathan something, or KRAKEN I think) = An expert AI player and not a bad normal player.

wow who's that nerd, sounds lame. im thinking about doing some youtube tutorials essentially, on how to play ai in space. but also. im lazy
(05-28-2017, 10:35 PM)The Worst Wrote:
(05-28-2017, 10:13 PM)YoukCat Wrote: Here's a few that stick out to me:

Mike Murdock = A gimmicky person that's not an asshole. They also play along with my gimmicks like TROLLGAR, and I think I've had some of my most fun with Trollgar whenever Murdock was around. Along with that, one of the faces I saw when I was just beginning.
How quickly you forget Quizard the wizard teaching you magic missile. :c

Holy crap, Quizard the Wizard was so long ago yet I can somehow barely remember them. That was a good magic missile.

Also, Tumany Cooks = Gimmicky, and either I see them a LOT or their name is just unique enough to be branded into my brain.

Jay Wolff = The Hair + Robustness
Ella Oats and Sundance Feely get props for being Not Shit in command roles and having recognizable names.

On the unfriendly side of notable, Schwicky_Schwag/Roman Lawhon: Almost everyone who plays on 1 has a story of him being an asshole, and he's well known for antics that skirt the knife edge of acceptability.
"Recently"? Probably Jay or Floorpills, going by the time I've been active. They're always into something and they're easily recognizable by their hair, which sounds silly but helps.

Beyond that you have people like Melons and Doom, which are spoken about as if they were myths.

edit: since we're just talkin' 'notable' here, you apparently can't spell poo without zorato.
humble bee

i remember him getting bullied by the admins a long time ago and i found it to be funny 

i don't know why that in particular stuck with me. i guess it was the name. unusual names like crate boxington, chips ahoy, etc are easy to remember
Jay Wolff, Molly Mirrions, Dr. Floorpills, Sundance Feely, Tumany Cooks, look, I have a long list but basically all the ones I can think of have already been said.

Although I didn't see anyone mention Thror's continuing commitment to the half-intelligible Swedish accent, although I believe Urist Tannhauser does much the same with the Scottish accent. There is no ulterior motive for why I'd remember someone using the Scottish accent a lot. Absolutely none.
Tobba. I have no idea what his ingame name is, but he's left an indelible mark on the station in the form of those nice fancy lights and that lovely movement system we have
Abe Broham and the two other brave souls who discovered the horrible secret of jugglemancy. May we never forget their sacrifice.

Other names:
Jay Wolff, Luis Smith, Philip Farmer, Dexter Grifflez, Spetznaz Spiff, Swasiskoilo Humbulumbe or however the hell you spell it, Sundance Feely, Dr. Floorpills, Crimes McGee, Old Man Jenkins, Zorato, Iam A. Crooke, Red Archibald, CPUCAKE, Amazing Thinking Machine, Don Geon, Geoff Goldman, Crate Boxington, Randy Archer/Dickson Ormous (for all the wrong reasons), Cherry Fields, Chips Ahoy, Oddball Stroble, Walter Poehl, Jenny Antonnson (probably misspelled), Chef Buttes, Lorde Doome, George Melons, Nannek, Mport, something Jackson (that guy who does the things with mechanics, packets, and stuff, you know the one), Austin Feufer, Chance Ironmonger, Tumany Cooks, and a bunch of others I'm forgetting
a lot of the old admins were really, really good players. the people i'm going to mention are all gonna be pre 2014
notably spetznaz spiff and dr.cogwerks, as well as luis smith
bo jackson as well, never forget
iam a crooke for not really failing as a ling once that i remembered- i got decent at rampaging by emulating him
chips ahoy who once crashed the station into the sun by fucking with the solar panels back in like 2012
sailor dave for being consistently good for a long time
red archibald, george melons, zorato turkeybutt, floorpills, dr "i'm going to get TK and look through the cameras with an esword" science, kingston, were all people who would kill you and kill you really fucking quickly
dr.kay as well, really great player who had some masterful LPs up.
richie mcmullin, rip
codename pink for being an absolute nazi as an officer
i'm just going to put in zorato one more time for posterity. the man literally shit away an entire in game feature
I completely forgot about sailor Dave.
(05-29-2017, 07:48 AM)Noah Buttes Wrote: something Jackson (that guy who does the things with mechanics, packets, and stuff, you know the one)

I would be inclined to say Dominic Jackson (me!, the sole true owner of the Jackson name) but I don't do much with mechanics so you're probably thinking of Man Jackson.

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