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More pod items/customization
Three more gun ideas:

Ice Ray: Works like the ice spell, freezing mobs it hits and dealing burn-damage to other pods/drones

Tractor Beam: Pulls Mobs/Pods/Drones towards you, probably not a gun, but a secondary system for holding your target in place.

Destruct-o-beam: For salvage, turns crates/closets/walls into either scrap or metal.
tractor beam exists already and does pretty much that exactly
it's really slow tho
Since we have various types of heavy pod armour now, what about having Ultralight pod armour you can make with molitz? It could make the pod faster but cause it to have essentially no health.
Dauntasa Wrote:Since we have various types of heavy pod armour now, what about having Ultralight pod armour you can make with molitz? It could make the pod faster but cause it to have essentially no health.
Very brittle, does not handle bumps well.
Dauntasa Wrote:Since we have various types of heavy pod armour now, what about having Ultralight pod armour you can make with molitz? It could make the pod faster but cause it to have essentially no health.

I have something like that sprited up already, probably gonna add it soon.
I think I've got the major bugs with pod boarding worked out. Ghosts can no longer enter the pod and get assigned as a passenger or pilot (what the fuck), dead people and disconnected passengers will never be shifted into the pilot seat, dead people and disconnected people will be removed from the pod if you try to board it. Also any gibs inside will be grossly cleaned out.
Cogwerks Wrote:Ghosts can no longer enter the pod and get assigned as a passenger or pilot (what the fuck)

Goddammit! I only find out about the fun stuff after it's already fixed...
Ghosts couldn't fly the thing or interact in any way, they'd just break the counter of passengers and make the pod completely unusable. Anyone trying to enter it would get the error that the pod was full.
Ohh, so that's why sometimes a pod would just be full, with nobody inside it, and we'd scream at an admin to fix the damn thing.
A battering ram as a secondary system.

It makes the pod dash forward at a high speed and demolish one line of walls, if they are in its path. The pod takes some damage.
Just rename "Battering ram" to rocket engine, and then just don't tell people the speed boost turns your ship into a potentially deadly weapon. Someone who wants can use it as a quick escape (or a cheat for pod racing) and someone else can just make a super heavy armored pod and turn it into a battering ram.
After a few rounds of going Grimm and frostbittenRIP AND TEAR Grimm and frostbitten on the various drones using the mining pod, and after watching the Scrapper drones I'm wondering if we can perhaps get a nerfed version of the mining drill to fabricate, maybe like half the damage to drones(or none at all, I dunno), but it grinds up lattices, floors, and maybe derelict craft walls into scrap and wreckage to sell to BOB. Gives bored QMs a labor intensive money maker that isn't weed.

On top of this, can we find a way to work cargo bays so that miners and scrapper QMs don't have to constantly unload a crate, hop out of their pod, and drag the crate around to collect scrap and ore? With mining, you can just load up on mining satchels which makes life only slightly inconvenient, but when collecting scrap, it's so hard you might as well not bother.
...Pod torpedoes?
Already exists in-game as the pod artillery platform. It's expensive as heck.
And it's worth every credit.

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