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Post ITT and I will give you an avatar
why does it keep happening
why does it keep hurting me
I am a self-proclaimed expert "pientist", a nitroglycerin enthusiast and a robot with a leaky bottom.

I am Rusty Bottom.

And I have come to request a face for this blank canvas of mine, fit for my characteristics.
yo, can I get a picture of nelson muntz from the Simpsons
This guy, right?
[Image: 200px-Kenneth_E._Melson_official_portrait.jpg]
do it to me
I have noticed that my tar is suddenly infinitely better, thank ye kind deities
Let's see something more positive.

Crime Edit: slightly more positive, but not too positive.

Skorn Edit: I love it.
Alright, hit me.

Crime Edit: i made it myself hope you hate it

Masked Edit: This is true art.
give me the juicy juice

Crime Edit: well looks like this gif doesnt actually animate here for some reason, but whatever!

Sheldon Edit: so I got a non-functioning gif as an avatar now. thanks crime, very cool
I've waited over a month, and submitted the best patch ever merged to Goonstation in that time. I want my horrendously low-quality .jpeg avatar now.

OwO;; <(schwicky want nuzzles)
I want a thing

ADMEME EDIT: What a beautiful Duwang.
I want a new avatar because I am back for a few months.

ADMIN EDIT: but my beautiful Ultima demon portrait frown
I request a photo so i may have an idol to pray to

crime: you want idols? you got idols
Being a blank face on this forum is killing me, even though this is my only post. Please resolve this so I can sleep tonight.

crime: have a gun and a face, face having gunhaver
give robot avatar thanks

crime : robot it is

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