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Give some ideas for gimmick rounds
Wait for a round with a pro-burn then randomly teleport the engine around the station. See how long it takes the crew to call the shuttle.
Gimmick: Professional Singularity Boxing. Somehow aquire the field generators and emitters to create a boxing ring, and set up a viewing area for random people to watch. Set up a betting booth for the crew to bet on their favorite clown wrestler!
Everyone is teleported to Lava Moon and ordered to "Restore their new station to working condition".

The station is turned into a wizard academy where people can learn magic spells.

Day of the Triffids.

Everyone is taken to Ice Moon and told to play hide'n'seek for their lives. The person doing the seeking is a cold-immune werewolf jacked up on stims.
epicdwarf Wrote:I am back with more gimmicks!
Gimmick 3: The crew is given a giant fighting robot named Carl from a strange alien race. They also inform the crew that a drone named S.h.e.e.n. is going to be attacking the station in 30 minutes, and give up their captian "Jimmy" to help train 5 members of the crew to simultaneously pilot Carl.

I don't know how feasible it would be a code, but a giant ship (I.E. Megadrone-sized) that has to be controlled by different people would be fucking incredible. The main pilot only controls which direction the ship flies in. Weapons officer switches between guns and fires them, sensors changes the camera view for everyone, engineering diverts power between engines/guns/repairbots, and the surgeon has blood monitors for everyone and a shitton of meds to try and keep everyone alive.

For awesome times, spawn multiple ships, and teleport them to the debris field once each is fully-crewed to battle the syndicate dronewaffe.
Extended. Spawn occasional suspicious items and dead player corpses out-of-sight. See how long it takes for the station to degenerate into chaos.
tell the crew about this ahead of time and give them a shitload of weapons and things to stop it

spawn two people on either ends of the station. Give them stimulants and chameleon projectors. One of them is named H. The other one is named Anti-H.

Their objective: Fistbump
Captain_Bravo Wrote:
epicdwarf Wrote:I am back with more gimmicks!
Gimmick 3: The crew is given a giant fighting robot named Carl from a strange alien race. They also inform the crew that a drone named S.h.e.e.n. is going to be attacking the station in 30 minutes, and give up their captian "Jimmy" to help train 5 members of the crew to simultaneously pilot Carl.

I don't know how feasible it would be a code, but a giant ship (I.E. Megadrone-sized) that has to be controlled by different people would be fucking incredible. The main pilot only controls which direction the ship flies in. Weapons officer switches between guns and fires them, sensors changes the camera view for everyone, engineering diverts power between engines/guns/repairbots, and the surgeon has blood monitors for everyone and a shitton of meds to try and keep everyone alive.

For awesome times, spawn multiple ships, and teleport them to the debris field once each is fully-crewed to battle the syndicate dronewaffe.

Two pilots, and they have exactly as much control as each other. And if there's a pilot seat open, new crew will always get into it. The ship only moves by consensus.
Syndicate Remote Strike Squad

A mid-point between normal traitors and nuke ops, the Syndicate Remote Strike Squad spawn in deep space with basic space-faring equipment and maybe revolvers and some dedicated technical gear, as well as disguise materials. Their task is to find various experimental weapons beamed in by their incompetent overlords through use of specialised space GPSs. These heavy-duty prototype weapons are capable of causing incredible damage - one might fire a carrier-class beam cannon that tears a diagonal hole through the station, vaporising everything in its path (I remember seeing an admin gimmick event that did just this, which is what gave me the idea), one might send a singularity on a path for the station, another might cause a high-pitched sonic signal to emanate from the station, drawing drone/Martian attack forces.

However, due to syndicate budget cuts, these experimental weapons are incomplete! They are lacking vital parts, and those parts can only be found on the station itself! Agents will have to sneak into the station through duplicity and stealth, stealing various items to flee and complete the deadly remote weapons. The Squad's objective will be to set off three out of five weapons, and the crew objective will be to kill all the Squad members, as in nuclear. And, of course, if the Squad put together the weapons in the wrong way, or set them up badly...

This incorporates a few ideas that I'd like to see more of in the game. There would be a real sense of "escalation" - maybe the crew know from the start that there's a Remote Strike Squad (some sort of message about strange debris found in space? Not sure, since everyone would know exactly what this meant after the first few rounds of it, and begin acting accordingly), and this becomes clearer and more frantic as holes get blown in the station, a strange signal frees the AI from its laws, every pod spontaneously explodes due to targeted EMP blasts, every fifth crew member mutates into a werewolf and goes feral, whatever. There would be an element of distinct randomness - not every weapon would be in the same place, or even there at all, every round. There would be a cheerful balance between constant need for sneakiness, stealth and taking careful and strategic advantage of mayhem - do you send the pulse that confuses all doors into thinking that everyone has Captain access so you can then storm the bridge and steal the bottle of Stinkeye's required to activate the Drunkenator, or do you start off with maximum disruption by beaming vicious wendigos and feral Georges into the bar? Many of the weapons would lead to a generally-lacking situation of the crew having to work together to fight off the Terrible Dangers of Space and the Station instead of each other, which is always great fun - imagine trying to organise two teams, one to look out for suspicious thefts and one to arm themselves and hunt down the roaming space lions, all the while keeping a terrified and paranoid eye on each other as well. It would hopefully avoid the problems regularly encountered in two similar gamemodes, nuclear and spy, whereby if the round doesn't end quickly in a couple of specific ways it ends up being dragged out endlessly as the crew hunt one deep-cover dudes/the most vicious and lucky spymaster carves an endless bloody 50-minute swathe across everyone else on the station, because there's always another few options available for the badmen and the crew can take matters into their own hands by seeking out and dismantling the weapons.

Problems with this I guess would be that it would require a dedicated area/z-level and it would be hard to stop the crew just suiting up and heading out into space as a lynch mob to find the giant obvious weapon platforms and blow them up as soon as the first one fires.

I think it sounds fun though frown

Narate events on the station, then proceed to create said events if they haven't happened yet.

"Oh god" said Jay Wolff, as a pack of spacebears ripped through his flesh while the crew watched in disbelief. Captain plead for mercy as the storybooks pages grew more and more violent.
Dunno if this has been said or not, but

A large group of insane, cannibalistic, weirdos high off of bathsalts and meth board the station. The power also fails coincidentally.

And for an extra detail, the cannibals would wear gas masks and other creepy shit, probably covered in blood aswell.
ThoseDernSquirrels Wrote:Dunno if this has been said or not, but

A large group of insane, cannibalistic, weirdos high off of bathsalts and meth board the station. The power also fails coincidentally.

And for an extra detail, the cannibals would wear gas masks and other creepy shit, probably covered in blood aswell.

it shall be called, "Jay Wolf Mode"
The gimmicks are back...WITH WEAPONS!
Gimmick 1.22: Make the entire crew traitors and spawn them on the solarium. One of the traitors has 200 micro bombs in side him/her and is injected with a poison that kills him/her in 50 minutes. One unit of antidote is spawned on a table. Non-bombers are given the objective to reenact The Great Gatsby and cure the bomber. The bomber is given the objective to play along and die a glorious death.

Gimmick 2.222: The station is flooded and half the crew is turned into sharks.

Gimmick 3.33: It's the Captain's birthday! The crew is tasked with giving him/her the BEST roast ever! While 3 traitors are given the objective to not only crash the party, but literally roast the entire station.

You know the whole "good news, bad news" thing? Well, I have bad news and extremely bad news.

The bad news: Remember when we said we'd built the new station out of some newly discovered material that was completely stable and fireproof?

Turns out the researcher in charge forgot a minus sign somewhere. It's actually highly UNstable and burns very easily. It also gives off some kind of toxic gas when it burns.

The extremely bad news: the new firedoors we installed are made of another material purported to be even more stable than the other one.

Same researcher. Turns out this one explodes.

So, that's your safety update for this shift: There isn't any.

Anyway, we need to modify the shuttle to not detonate the whole station with its engines when it shows up, so it'll be at least an hour. Sit tight, and if I were you, I'd quit smoking in a hurry."

the gimmick: everything: walls, glass, floors, items, whatever will light off the tiniest spark. Firedoors will explode into nasty shrapnel on contact with fire. Burning objects will give off chemical smoke containing, I don't know, something nasty but not outrageous. Cyanide, maybe. This will be announced pretty quickly.
The idea is to put everyone in what is essentially disaster mode, except all of the horrible, deadly problems that occur will essentially be the crew's own fault. All they have to do is not be a bunch of pyromaniacs and try to not break anything, and everything will be okay.

Just in case they actually manage to not set things on fire, throw in one hardmode traitor. His equipment: 1 cakehat.
If everything is flammable, doesn't that mean that a single spark anywhere will cause the fire to spread to the entire station?
Captain_Bravo Wrote:If everything is flammable, doesn't that mean that a single spark anywhere will cause the fire to spread to the entire station?
Sounds like a gimmick to me.

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