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cogblap v0.98 | beta testing will be happening occasionally
The funny thing was when he made that post he could have just asked for the server address in irc (get an IRC client or use mibbit, not hard)

I stayed up pretty late playing it, but I'm pretty sure it was left on mostly all night.

I think it was on at-least until 2am forum time, even later.

The new map is really cool, and will be a welcome addition to the game with all the neat additions.
h3half Wrote:I'm sure there will be more test days right?

Not sure how late the testing went, I had to duck out halfway through the first round.

Yeah can we please get more testing tonight or some day?
Since pathology could be a thing again eventually
Are there any concrete ideas on how pathology will work?

I'm kind of hoping that it will be harder to actually use pathology as a weapon.

Maybe make all the diseases non reproducing and symptom sharing without scientific intervention, e.g some radiation and chemicals from chemistry to make the disease viral. Or as in one of your earlier posts where you suggested that pathology may have random diseases they have to combat from time to time, perhaps add a secret (maybe even traitor scientist only) method of modifying those diseases to make them worse. E.g Homemade incubation chamber or something.

That way the only time traitors (and griefers) really have a chance to release death upon the station is if they can either get lucky with dangerous outbreak, or find some non dangerous diseases and make them dangerous.

Also with smoke being able to carry 3 reagents, a clever person could release one nonharmful smoke and add a disease to it to screw everyone over.
Pathology 2.0 operates on genetic strings and is being coded by Marquesas following my old revamp proposal. Basic idea is that it's a branch of medbay now, and instead of sitting around watching timers counting down until you get yourself banned, it's more about reacting to things you find in the environment.
Diseases all have a bunch of genetic codes and are procedurally generated. You can crossbreed them and splice genes, isolate strains, study them under microscopes, incubate them, all sorts of neat stuff. Making something really virulent requires a lot of luck and work.

That's still a major work in progress, it probably won't be ready when the map goes live but it'll show up eventually.
Cogwerks Wrote:Pathology 2.0 operates on genetic strings and is being coded by Marquesas following my old revamp proposal. Basic idea is that it's a branch of medbay now, and instead of sitting around watching timers counting down until you get yourself banned, it's more about reacting to things you find in the environment.
Diseases all have a bunch of genetic codes and are procedurally generated. You can crossbreed them and splice genes, isolate strains, study them under microscopes, incubate them, all sorts of neat stuff. Making something really virulent requires a lot of luck and work.

Since it's going to be more like a branch of medbay now, does that mean that random virus events are going to come back? If so, then I really think that pathology or just the RD should start with or be able to print out a report at round start that lists the probabilities of certain diseases occurring like with security reports.
Most of the stuff you'll encounter in round will be barely worse than a minor annoyance. Someone might catch food poisoning from bad food, someone might get a sneeze with low contagious values that is suppressed by chicken soup and cured by sleep. Some worse things might be lurking around on dirty stuff out in space. Any of that stuff can be studied to find out what it does and what cures it, but you could also crossbreed stuff you've found to create your own novel strains of evil things.
I might be wrong, but I thought I remembered there being more serious randomly occurring diseases back during Donut station. Like GBS, or space madness, or just things like Ohms Syndrome. If there are only harmless naturally occurring diseases then I don't see how pathology could bring any benefit to the station, except by creating a vaccine for a virus they accidentally released or something.

It's not that I particularly want deadly or debilitating diseases to randomly generate each round, it's just that I don't see how pathology will be much different from how it was before. You know, the whole waiting around to get banned for spreading a deadly version of The Serious or something.
Cogwerks Wrote:Most of the stuff you'll encounter in round will be barely worse than a minor annoyance. Someone might catch food poisoning from bad food, someone might get a sneeze with low contagious values that is suppressed by chicken soup and cured by sleep. Some worse things might be lurking around on dirty stuff out in space. Any of that stuff can be studied to find out what it does and what cures it, but you could also crossbreed stuff you've found to create your own novel strains of evil things.
someone once suggested that corpses should generate diseases as they rot and infect people that touch them without proper protection or fast response. Perhaps this could be a thing?
The biggest difference is that the old diseases were hardcoded and the new ones are procedurally generated with random (but weighted) effects and descriptors. It'll be more reactive to pathogens that other people find or come in with. It also won't be its own job, all medical doctors (and maybe geneticists?) will have access to the path lab to study stuff if they feel like it. There's also the potential to isolate useful effects and breed a pathogen that can do nice things.

edit: yes, rotting corpses will probably be one of the disease vectors
So how will traitor interactions with pathology carry out? Will they be forced to use pure skill and luck if they want to release anything even remotely deadly, or will they get a traitor item that lets them breed way nastier diseases than normal, and just have to figure out the best way to spread it? Will biosuits actually protect you from diseases now?
Skill and luck. Hardmode yo.
With some players it wouldn't surprise me if someone made an epidemic within the first few rounds.

When cogmap was tested they did rather well with the engine, and there were a few people who mastered telescience, also bomb making.
Cogwerks Wrote:The biggest difference is that the old diseases were hardcoded and the new ones are procedurally generated with random (but weighted) effects and descriptors. It'll be more reactive to pathogens that other people find or come in with. It also won't be its own job, all medical doctors (and maybe geneticists?) will have access to the path lab to study stuff if they feel like it. There's also the potential to isolate useful effects and breed a pathogen that can do nice things.

edit: yes, rotting corpses will probably be one of the disease vectors
deadly diseases are more fun than shitty colds and stuff

I miss GBS
Deadly diseases stop being fun when they get loose every round.
Pathology revamp should probably be discussed later when it's closer to completion really.
sorry for bringing this up all the time but are we going to get another test for your map? I missed out last night and I have been dying to play it for well over a month.

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