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What do you think you are known for?
Jack Jackson, hacking into everywhere and anywhere as a staff assistant, wasting all the gas on char burns as engineer, getting bored and wandering until someone kills me as medical director, and never leaving my department as basically everything else.
Oh yeah I have also been playing AI as PR-99 Automated Doorknob so you can tell me how I am doing as that job.
I'd be surprised if i'm known for anything other than being incredibly unrobust.
I do try to at least quasi-RP just about every interaction, in particular when AI.
You tell me.
Nathan Zabloaf, being either silent or saying really goofy shit over the radio
"I am once again given flesh, y'all"
Oh also I forgot, I play AI a lot so you might know me as S.T.O.R.M.
(04-18-2017, 02:39 PM)Musketman12 Wrote: Oh also I forgot, I play AI a lot so you might know me as S.T.O.R.M.

Oh yeah S.T.O.R.M. is a good AI. 
This much I know.
Probably fucking around as Captain, on both servers. That, or Genetics - Glorf should be able to testify to my love of Genetics.
I used to be known for playing as Constable Wendigo a few months back whenever admins felt like enabling my gimmick.

I would attempt to solve crimes and arrest criminals as a Wendigo wearing a constable helmet and a security vest.

I'd avoid mauling people to death as much as possible, but it did happen a few times.

Other than that, I'd like to think I'm known for playing as a semi-robust chaplain and a fiendish miscreant whenever given the chance.
(04-18-2017, 02:39 PM)Musketman12 Wrote: Oh also I forgot, I play AI a lot so you might know me as S.T.O.R.M.

Ahhh, S.T.O.R.M, the AI I blew up ?three? times in a row with RPGS or other bombs.

I, the GREAT and GLORIOUS TROLLGAR am quite well known in every single square meter of the universe. That's right, even ROCKS know how GREAT, AND GLORIOUS I AM!

Trollgar, my biggest gimmick, aside, I'm also Macrobombs the Exploding Clown, Buffer the sometimes supercop sometimes superfriend AI, and Karp Buffers the annoying person. Best known for being shitty.
im discount dan
(04-18-2017, 03:23 PM)babayetu83 Wrote: im discount dan

this man hurts me in a way only he can, someone else tried to say the thing once, but it only ever has its power when dan says it
Being Noah Buttes
(04-18-2017, 03:34 PM)Noah Buttes Wrote: Being Noah Buttes

Theres No butts about that one.
Prospector Pete:
1. Pranking security and engaging in elaborate keystone kops style chases throughout the station, repeatedly vanishing from sight only to appear out of nowhere to fart on you

2. Showing up at the last possible second when everything has gone to hell, dragging a few people out of harms way and usually failing to stop the traitor in a last ditch battle

Dio Brando:


2. Acting like a horrible villain without actually harming anyone and often helping people

All characters:

I'm slippery as fuck and god help you if you try to keep me brigged it just won't work
being a grandma

in space
I have definitely seen S.T.O.R.M. around as AI and I think I remember you giving me trouble as an antag more than once. 

My key is Recusor and my in game name is Sam Eagle or S.A.M. when I am silicon or AI. I HOPE that Im known for getting a pretty ok hellburn going on Cog2, doctoring/robotics at times, mildly interesting prank laws about history and geography, and maybe some alright traitoring/gimmicks?

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