12-20-2012, 04:12 PM
Getting into the idea of having a new map more and more, looking forwards to this, especially with the big updates to things like QM and Botany.
cogblap v0.98 | beta testing will be happening occasionally
12-20-2012, 04:12 PM
Getting into the idea of having a new map more and more, looking forwards to this, especially with the big updates to things like QM and Botany.
12-20-2012, 04:49 PM
also, this station appears to be quite large, would that add to lag?
12-20-2012, 04:53 PM
more work on pods
- - -
12-20-2012, 04:53 PM
Mr Behling Wrote:also, this station appears to be quite large, would that add to lag? It's actually not much larger than the current map at all in terms of overall size.
12-20-2012, 05:19 PM
I might be the happiest botanist alive right now, that place is just so beautiful
12-20-2012, 06:13 PM
Klayboxx Wrote:Please no I hate it so much It looks so much worse in motion if you try and use it on a game in DOSBox.
12-20-2012, 06:35 PM
Anticheese Wrote:Klayboxx Wrote:Please no I hate it so much Thank you for agreeing. I really don't like filters it makes what was a sprite game look like some kind of 'indie' graphic type thing where they COULD look better but they don't because the devs are shit. But no SS13 isn't like that all 8-)
12-21-2012, 11:25 AM
Conor12 Wrote:FrontlineAcrobat4 Wrote:Why does the guardbuddy with a hardhat and clipboard look upset? Workbuddy is an insufferable grump. Grumpin' everywhere at everyone in (and out) of sight.
12-21-2012, 07:58 PM
Aphtonites Wrote:I'm pretty damn surprised that I managed to fit in Keelin's new engine in there. It is scenic and beautiful, but please consider repositioning the seed extractors and/or vendors to be slightly closer or right next to the plant gene manipulators
12-24-2012, 03:28 AM
More pod stuff: I've made a set of construction sprites for them now.
Metal frame: Wrench, weld Add more metal: Wrench, weld Add wires: Add system boards (from hangar manufacturer) Screwdriver Add metal Wrench ----- OUTER SHELL: add metal OR r-metal Wrench+weld Add engine kit (manufactured component) Wrench Add control interface (manufactured component) Add reinforced-glass Final wrench to finish it Is this too many steps?
12-24-2012, 03:44 AM
For their actual usability that is the right amount of steps. Heck if anything it's not enough for how awesome they actually are to fly.
12-24-2012, 04:01 AM
Completely disassembling an rwall is like 11 steps. That's not too bad given you're building a goddamn spacecraft from what I can only assume are disassembled walls, bar glasses, wires borrowed from the SMES infrastructure and shit that you stole from the hanger.
If you don't build your pods that way when they come out, you don't deserve to fly one.
12-24-2012, 04:03 AM
Also, if the pods are as modular as you say, can you add some special components and other things to add so that we can rice out our spacecraft? Could be some things held in a restricted storage area, hidden in the station, in the secret section of a manufacturer, out in space, or item interactions.
12-24-2012, 04:07 AM
Forgot to post a composite of the damage overlay, here's a nice mangled pod that is probably gonna explode soon.
Currently the modular parts are: engine, main weapon, sensors, and secondary system. Secondary systems that already exist are stuff like cargo holds (can load and unload crates), tractor beams (hella fun), cloaking devices, shields (?) and a couple other things. Three engine types exist already and have different power outputs, and weapons can also be swapped - huge weapons would require either a burly engine or shutting off life support and other systems. Cloak draws a ton of power too, enough that you can't fire while cloaked. Sensor systems that already exist are GPS, Thermals and Ecto scanners. I'm sure mining scanners could be added pretty easily. IMO there oughta be one starting civilian pod in the hangar bay with a slow engine and a GPS. Command's minibay oughta have an armored but un-fueled pod with, I dunno, thermals and a taser system maybe. If you want to put lasers or heavier junk on it you'd have to sacrifice/duplicate two lasers to get one mountable rig. Maybe tasing a pod could screw up its power system for a bit? Also I think mining oughta start with one that'd have either a cargo bay or tractor beam and a set of plasma cutters that they could build onto it later in the round. also part 2 all pods oughta have fuel requirements so you can't just fuck off into space forever, maybe 5-10 minutes per fueling from the main hangar? re: podbays: Main hangar below Arrivals Shuttle A little dock at artifact research if explorers wanted to drop off artifacts: QM dock below the space-launcher delivery system Access dock above the bar for takeout deliveries or whatever Command dock, head-level ID access Mining dock above regular shuttle
12-24-2012, 04:14 AM
Cogwerks Wrote:Forgot to post a composite of the damage overlay, here's a nice mangled pod that is probably gonna explode soon. So you're going to FTL route? with the power supply only being able to power a limited number of modules/weapons at once? Also will it run on a battery, or will it have a magical and unlimited power supply? |
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