Mentor Application: Tom Clancy's Gay Ghost
Usual Character Name: Jaoquin Hartford,
BYOND Username: Tom Clancys Gay Ghost
Recommended by (if applicable): Haine, Darkch®is
Times Available: All over the place due to southern hemisphere timezone/lack of schedule

Reason for Application + Game Experience (300 word minimum):  I've been playing this game on and off for about 3 years (I didn't register on the forums for ages because I suck). In that time I've had a bunch of fun experiences, participated in goofy round and gimmicks and eaten my own skull about fifty times. I started out about as useless as everybody else, and I'm pretty sure I spent my first round wearing an owl suit and trying to fight monkeys with a crowbar. It took me a fair while to learn how to not be awful, and I doubt that I could have done that without mentors.

I believe that I've fostered enough of a decent relationship with the majority of players/admins over the years, and I enjoy helping new people learn the ins and outs of SS13, or even just how to change their clothes. Joining as a new player is incredibly daunting and I'd love to be one of the people who helps make it a better experience.
I'll admit that there are aspects of SS13 that I'm totally clueless about and can provide no help with. The worst of these is chemistry (without referring to a wiki page repeatedly). I'm also pretty awful with remembering how to hellburn without the pipes bursting, oops! That being said, I'm a more than competent doctor, and can do most things that people will request. I play sec fairly frequently when it doesn't put me in a super bad mood, and I make a mean recursive sandwich fried pizza. I can sometimes be a grump or massively unhelpful, but only in roles where I hold no responsibility or have criminal reasons to. Besides my shortcomings, I believe that I'm otherwise a good space idiot to have around, and would love the chance to pass on the things I've learnt to a new generation of screaming, farting clones. Also I'm real good at funny Bubs' mom station names.

Previous Bans (While this will not affect your application lying about it will): None!

I'm very tired and I wrote this all in bold. I suck.

Messages In This Thread
Mentor Application: Tom Clancy's Gay Ghost - by Tom Clancy's Gay Ghost - 06-15-2017, 04:31 AM

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