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[Antagonist] Parasite 2.0
A long long time ago, in a land far far away, I suggested

Now, I do so again, but better.

The Parasite is a rare antagonist, sorta like Wraith and Blob. However, it is more frequent to appear on Mixed or in Random Antagonist Events than those two.

In it's least upgraded form, it is the kind of creature to hide under a table, enter someone, and then drain them of blood until they pass out.
It spreads very rapidly, feasting on dead bodies and turning them into Nests. Nests that can then be used to lay eggs to produce even further parasites.


Burrow: The Parasite can use this at melee on a host. They will burrow into the selected limb, being able to be taken out with a Scalpel. What limb doesn't matter besides the Scalpel and the Speedy Feast ability. Starting power.

Feast: The Parasite can use this inside of a Host. They will slowly begin to drain blood at half of a Vampire's Speed and gain 1 Feast Point every 250 units of blood drained. If used in a corpse, will instantly rot the corpse and give one Feast Point. Cannot be used in Rotted Corpses or Nests. If used in a monkey, they will scream until they pass out from blood loss, however Parasites gain no Feast Points from dead monkey corpses, just from the blood. Starting power.

Lay Egg: Costs one Feast Point to use. Can use inside of a Nest to drop an Egg in it. Can pick one of two kinds of eggs:
CLONING EGGS - If you die, you will instantly be reborn there with no Feast Points.
GLOBAL EGGS - A random person is picked from Dead Chat, and will be born their as a Parasite with no Feast Points.

Speedy Feast: This will make you drain blood at TWICE the Vampire's Speed, and will deal damage based on what limb you're in. If you're in a Leg or Arm, said limb will be ripped off once you begin this. If you do this in the head, they will take serious brain damage once begun. If done in the Torso, they will suffocate. They will be alerted once you begin to do this. It costs one Feast Point to use this.

Burst: Burst out a strong sleeping gas around you, useful for escaping or burrowing into a new Host. Costs 1 Feast Point to use.

Symbiotic: Can mentally talk to your host. Costs 1 Feast Point to unlock.

(If you have Symbiotic) [Class Power] Embed: Can't have any other Class Powers after you pick this. Can now boost the host, but also cannot leave the host's body. Costs 3 Feast Points to unlock.

Dizziness: When feasting, host slowly gains brain damage. Costs 1 Feast Point to unlock.

(If you have Dizziness) [Class Power] Brain Slug: Host is mindslaved a minute after the Burrow, but slowly gains Brain Damage. Costs 3 Feast Points to unlock.

Homebound: Fully heals up whenever inside of a nest. Costs 1 Feast Point to unlock.

(If you have Homebound) [Class Power] Mothering: Lay Egg becomes a FREE power, but has a five minute cooldown. Costs 3 Feast Points to unlock.


Now as you can see, there's different types of Parasites.
There's a baby, young parasite. These parasites are capable of feasting on you if you don't get medical aid.
Then there's an Embedded Parasite. These Parasites can be quite helpful, but can also kill you in the end if you trust them too much.
Brain Slugs, not much to say about them. Combine a Parasite with a Martian and you get some sort of telepathic Parasite that controls the Host's Thoughts.
And finally, the Mother Parasites are capable of spawning entire armies of these little brats. So BE CAREFUL when dealing with them. Tips to fight them at the end, but for now, we're going into more detail on the Class Powers.


These Parasites are the most unique of all the Parasites in that they actively aid their host. However, through helping their host they induce the illusion of Trust, where they can take control at the end. Or maybe they're a good parasite after all?
In the end, they can form life partners or a traitor between two allies.

MAJOR DIFFERENCES: The Parasite cannot leave their host anymore after this upgrade. However, they gain a Feast Point every 10 minutes, and can drink 50 units of blood to gain a Feast Point. They will die if their host dies and their host will die if surgically seperated. The Host will take 100 Toxin Damage if the Parasite dies of Anti-Toxins. If the Host gets Kuru then it's cured and the Parasite gains one Feast Point.

Enhanced Legs: The Host cannot slip and sprinting takes less. Costs 1 Feast Point to unlock.
Enhanced Grip: The Host's grabs are ALWAYS upgraded. Costs 1 Feast Point to unlock.
Claw Arm (left): The Parasite gains an ability to change the Host's arm from a Claw Arm to a Normal Arm and back. Useful for fights. Costs 1 Feast Point to unlock.
Claw Arm (right): ^^^^^
Breathing Aid: For 3 minutes, the Host is immune to suffocation. Costs 1 Feast Point to use.
Adrenaline: For 1 minute, the host's stamina is ALWAYS max. Allowing infinite running and pretty much immunity to many stuns. Costs 2 Feast Points to use.
Genetic Manipulation: The Parasite can activate and deactivate the Host's Genes at will. Not including Injected genes. Costs 2 Feast Points to unlock.
Genetic Stability: The host gains 10 Genetic Stability. Costs 1 Feast Point to use.

Mind Merge: The Host and Parasite meld their minds together, giving the Parasite new upgrade but making it so they can no longer purchase the previous upgrades. Costs 3 Feast Points to use.

Scan: The Parasite and Host gain an ability to scan other people for Parasites, also giving a Leveled Up Medical Scanner scan, no cooldown. Costs 1 Feast Points to unlock.
Whack: The equal of a Martian's stunning attack, 2 minute cooldown. Costs 1 Feast Point to unlock.
Blast: The above, but for everyone within two tiles. Costs 1 Feast Point to use.
STEAL CONTROL: For 30 seconds, the Parasite gains control of the Host's body. In this form, they can Overpower the host, killing the Host and giving the Parasite permanent control. Costs 2 Feast Points to use.
OVERPOWER: Gain dominant control and kill off the pesky host... Costs 4 Feast Points to use, excluding costs from STEAL CONTROL.

At this point there are two options:
Make them into a Changeling, with the Host in the Hivemind, or give them a special Spew Egg ability that let's them projectile vomit a Parasite Egg (global) along with control over the host.


These parasites are like enhanced mindslave chips that will kill you in a few minutes and have a mind of their own. Any host they have under their control will slowly die of brain damage. And yes you can die from brain damage, as I learned from Martians. HOWEVER, the host only stays a mindslave as long as they're in them. THIS PARASITE CAN BE SCANNED WITH AN UPGRADED MEDICAL SCANNER.

MAJOR DIFFERENCES:  They make REAL allies out of hosts, while the other classes don't. Also, it's harder to go undetected, as you leave a blaring path behind you where ever you go.

Brain Heal: The Host's brain is fully healed. Costs 1 Feast Point to use.
Escapist: The Parasite automatically bursts once they leave a dead host that was their slave. Costs 1 Feast Point to unlock.
Minions: If the Parasite leaves a host, they will stay under their control. However they will gain the Clown's Debuffs and the Brain Damaging will stay in effect. Costs 2 Feast Points to unlock.
Henchman: The Host will no longer be under the Brain Damaging effect, however will PERMANENTLY be a Mindslave with the Clown Debuffs. They will also be able to hear Parasite Chat, with their master given a special little effect (like in the Changeling Chat when the master speaks.) Costs 5 Feast Points to use.


When a Parasite grows into this, you have a problem. This Parasite (after upgrading) has the ability to transport eggs inside of themselves, and will fully heal upon entry of a nest. Not only that, but they lay eggs every 5 minutes.

MAJOR DIFFERENCES: You get no human friends. Just you and your thousands of clone eggs babies.

Spew: Can make the Host spew out an egg, dealing 50 Toxin damage and stunning them. However, egg. Yay. Costs 1 Feast Point to use.
Babies!: Egg cooldown decreased to 4 minutes instead of 5 minutes. Costs 2 Feast Points to unlock.
Babies!: Requires last Babies. 3 minutes instead of 4. Costs 3 Feast Points to unlock.
Babies!: Requires last Babies. 2 minutes instead of 3. Costs 4 Feast Points to unlock.
Babies!: Requires last Babies. 1 minute instead of 2. Costs 5 Feast Points to unlock.
Babies!: Requires last Babies. 30 seconds instead of 1 minute. Costs 7 Feast Points to unlock.
Nurturing: Can transport eggs around as if a Nest. Must still lay eggs in a nest though. Costs 2 Feast Points to unlock.



Parasites may seem scary, and they really fucking are, but they're extremely weak.
It takes several feasts for one to get to a high enough power to cause real problems, but you already knew that. You wanted to know how to stop them, right?
There are three easy ways to kill a Parasite:
1. FIRE! Parasites inside a host that's on fire will take slight damage. Not a LOT of damage, mind you, but still enough to weaken them considering they can only heal at Nests if they have a special power. Embedded Parasites are immune to this.
2. BEAT IT! Parasites have like, less health than a fucking Handspider. And the curse of doors shutting on them (like with animals.) This results in you being able to just beat it with a Fire Extinguisher.
3. DOCTORS! Doctors and Chemists are quite well off against Parasites, since a few chemicals will pretty much instantly kill them. Atropine, Hunchback, Squeeze, and Krokodil (and Parasites won't want a rotted body as much) will all make you puke up the dead parasite just about instantly. Along with that, if you drink Port, the Parasite will be left behind UNLESS EMBEDDED.

AND THAT'S IT EVERYONE! I hope you enjoyed the idea, let's leave off with some artwork of the Parasites:

From Arborinus

From Noah Buttes

Messages In This Thread
[Antagonist] Parasite 2.0 - by YoukCat - 02-24-2017, 04:07 PM
RE: [Antagonist] Parasite 2.0 - by misto - 02-25-2017, 11:38 AM
RE: [Antagonist] Parasite 2.0 - by NateTheSquid - 02-25-2017, 02:43 PM
RE: [Antagonist] Parasite 2.0 - by Frank_Stein - 02-25-2017, 09:27 PM
RE: [Antagonist] Parasite 2.0 - by YoukCat - 02-25-2017, 10:01 PM
RE: [Antagonist] Parasite 2.0 - by Calebc789 - 02-26-2017, 03:23 PM

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