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Major Airlock Hacking Code != Airlock Hacking Gameplay
I haven't looked at this part of the code in exact detail but I'm fairly certain in DM that || is your standard lazy OR operator, which, as in Java, only evaluates both if absolutely needed. Whereas | is full evaluation in Java (something I previously did not know because I've never had a situation where I needed to use it) when applied to booleans and the bitwise OR when applied to numbers, the DM | operator is, uh, weird.

A and B must be between 0 and 65535 (2**16 - 1), giving an effective width of 16 bits.
If A and B are lists, the result is a list containing items that are in either list. list(1,2) | list(2,3) is equivalent to list(1,2,3). The items from A come first in the result, followed by any extra items from B.
If A is an icon or /icon datum, it is blended with B which can be either a color or another icon. Unlike the + or & operation, the result is transparent only in places where both icons were transparent.

Based on other things I've stumbled upon I'm reasonably sure the true culprit is inconsistencies across duplicate procs and vars.

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RE: Airlock Hacking Code != Airlock Hacking Gameplay - by Cirrial - 01-25-2017, 04:34 AM

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