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[Feature] Hungry Dan's TV Dinners
I was bored so I tried to come up with some more "Discount Dan" worthy food names (I am by no means an expert in this). I took some liberties and also removed the "Microwaveable" in each name because it made it kind of wordy.

I didn't touch the actual reagents (except to make 7 make sense).

    name = "Hungry Dan's Self-Microwaving Meals"
    desc = "A box containing a self-heating TV dinner."
    icon = 'icons/obj/foodNdrink/food_snacks.dmi'
    icon_state = "tvdinnerc"
    w_class = 1
    throwforce = 2
    var/full = 1
    var/traytype = 0
    stamina_damage = 3
    stamina_cost = 3
    rand_pos = 1

        src.traytype = rand(1,9)
            if (1)
       = "Hungry Dan's Self-Microwaving Meals - Seven Layer Salisbury Steak Flavor"
            if (2)
       = "Hungry Dan's Self-Microwaving Meals - Reconstituted Turkey Dinner Flavor"
            if (3)
       = "Hungry Dan's Self-Microwaving Meals - Lo Mein Lasagna Flavor"
            if (4)
       = "Morning Dan's Self-Microwaving Meals - All-Star Breakfast Flavor"
            if (5)
       = "Corporal Dan's Self-Microwaving Meals - Last Meal Flavor"
            if (6)
       = "Hungry Dan's Self-Microwaving Meals - Macaroni and Cheese Chunks Flavor"
            if (7)
       = "Hungry Dan's Self-Microwaving Meals - Chicken Fried Chicken Nugget Flavor"
            if (8)
       = "Hungry Dan's Self-Microwaving Meals - \"Pizza\" Party Flavor"
            if (9)
       = "Hungry Dan's Self-Microwaving Meals - BBQ Grill Alfredo Noodles Flavor"
        return ..()

    attack_hand(mob/user as mob)
        if (user.find_in_hand(src))//r_hand == src || user.l_hand == src)
            if (src.full == 0)
                user.show_text("The box is empty you idiot.", "red")
                var/obj/item/reagent_containers/food/snacks/tvdinner/W = new /obj/item/reagent_containers/food/snacks/tvdinner(null, src.traytype)
                src.full = 0
                src.icon_state = "tvdinnero"
                src.desc = "An empty TV dinner box."
            return ..()

    name = "Hungry Dan's Self-Microwaving Meals"
    desc = "A self-heating TV dinner. You should probably use a fork."
    icon = 'icons/obj/foodNdrink/food_snacks.dmi'
    icon_state = "tvdinnert"
    needfork = 1
    amount = 2
    heal_amt = 2
    doants = 0 //Ants aren't dumb enough to try to eat these.
    var/activated = 0
    initial_volume = 50

    New(loc, var/traytype = 0)
        var/datum/reagents/R = reagents
        if (prob(75))
            R.add_reagent("grease", 3)
            traytype = rand(1, 9)
            if (1)
       = "Hungry Dan's Self-Microwaving Meals - Seven Layer Salisbury Steak Flavor"
                R.add_reagent("beff", 7)
                R.add_reagent("juice_tomato", 10)
                R.add_reagent("cornstarch", 10)

            if (2)
       = "Hungry Dan's Self-Microwaving Meals - Reconstituted Turkey Dinner Flavor"
                R.add_reagent("VHFCS", 4)
                R.add_reagent("oil", 10)

            if (3)
       = "Hungry Dan's Self-Microwaving Meals - Lo Mein Lasagna Flavor"
                R.add_reagent("juice_tomato", 5)
                R.add_reagent("swedium", 5)
                R.add_reagent("bread", 10)

            if (4)
       = "Morning Dan's Self-Microwaving Meals - All-Star Breakfast Flavor"
                R.add_reagent("porktonium", 4)
                R.add_reagent("VHFCS", 2)
                R.add_reagent("coffee", 4)
                R.add_reagent("egg", 4)

            if (5)
       = "Corporal Dan's Self-Microwaving Meals - Last Meal Flavor"
                R.add_reagent("cyanide", 2)
                R.add_reagent("gravy", 10)
                R.add_reagent("beff", 4)

            if (6)
       = "Hungry Dan's Self-Microwaving Meals - Macaroni and Cheese Chunks Flavor"

            if (7)
       = "Hungry Dan's Self-Microwaving Meals - Chicken Fried Chicken Nugget Flavor"

            if (8)
       = "Hungry Dan's Self-Microwaving Meals - \"Pizza\" Party Flavor"

            if (9)
       = "Hungry Dan's Self-Microwaving Meals - BBQ Grill Alfredo Noodles Flavor"
                R.add_reagent("bread", 10)
    attack_self(mob/user as mob)
        if (activated)

        src.activated = 1
        if (reagents)
            reagents.add_reagent("oxygen", 2)
        boutput(user, "You twist the tray, activating the heater mechanism.")

Messages In This Thread
RE: [Feature] Hungry Dan's TV Dinners - by Arborinus - 10-28-2016, 10:01 PM

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