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Popecrunch - excessive badmin events
Admin: Popecrunch

Server: LLJK2

Date: several rounds recently

Synopsis: I have yet to play a complete round where Popecrunch was online that did not end with the station half-exploded, covered with bears or something of the sort. The man is completely incapable of sitting back and letting the round play out without going 'hey guys did you know I can spawn explosions' and leaving huge sections of the station airless. I don't play as often as some others do, so I might be a little off-base, but I've played enough rounds in it to consider it a general trend.

Sure, some people might go 'it's a Popecrunch round, what do you expect', but I don't have all that much time to spare for SS13, and waiting for an admin who seems to be remarkably active nowadays to go offline just for a little peace and quiet is a bit more effort than I can spare for this silly spaceman game.

Also, it might just be a general impression, but he seems to take things really, really personally, which is why I'm submitting this under a different account than usual. Given that the man will happily teleport you into a room filled with bears or eliminate the entire station wing you're standing in on a whim, it's a little difficult to tell.

Messages In This Thread
Popecrunch - excessive badmin events - by Jack Tenniel - 10-23-2016, 07:50 AM

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