Just another purple name request(Mr.Maples)
Usual Character Name: Mr.Maples
BYOND Username: Xanthogenic
Times Available: It varies

Reason for Application + Game Experience: I spend a whole lot of the time in this game dead; and the only fun part of being dead is haunting. So I thought I would take up mentoring the clueless, I think I know plenty of this game to help out anyone that needs it. I've battled with the most chemistry update, conquered robotics, farted on Qm. I've done a lot that there is to be done in this game, There's some things I don't bother to remember because I can just easily cruise to the wiki to read... Computer installation. I will teach the young beardlings on how to be a magnificent wizard capable of not dying in 12 seconds. But seriously, I have spent many a round guiding new players on how to play the game, and how to not get banned and more importantly, have fun while playing this game. Yeah, I'm a rude player, but when it comes down to it I'm a really chill dude, with a wide variety of knowledge of ss13. I'm like the multi-tool of ss13, I can do a lot of shit, but none of which very well. Well, I've explained all I think I needed to on why I should be a mentor I will spend the next 88 remaining words to tell you about my favorite cat.
When I was a young lad, I had a remarkable cat named blazer. It had some cool white fur boots, it was a really crazy cat, me and it were a team of fucking shit up around the house, Good times... good times. The best part was Blazer learned to open my door and wake me up just to snuggle after it was done fucking some shit up somewhere else. It was like the cat was bred for two things, Love and ruining peoples day. TL;DR- I miss my cat, and I want purple name.
Your opinion of Shrek: Shrek is a chill as fuck ogre.
Previous Bans: I was perma'd twice(once on both servers) and I walked on thin ice a couple of times.

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