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Freezing Temperature In Goonstation
Couldn't think of a better subject title for this thread than that, anyways....

I've noticed recently that I can run through space, along the catwalks while sprinting to get from place to place without so much has getting a cold foot, by the time Ive reach my destination my temperature bar will be just inside the blue.

I'll be a little cold, but no where near the 1 square every 5 seconds running speed that you get when you've been in prolonged cold. 

Now this is what I've noticed which I think is broken. If there's a hull breach in the station, all the air and heat is sucked out. I've noticed just TOUCHING the cold area for 1 second will freeze your nuts off. It seems to me that you freeze 5x as fast in a hull breached station then you do running across the catwalks between the station. 

I hope others have noticed this too as I realize there's currently a thread somewhere complaining about how cold affects you and your speed and asking for it to be toned down.

I also ask that this issue is looked into to see if there's any valid evidence that code makes it so a cold station cools you down far faster than a jog in space. 

Thanks :P

[Image: giphy.gif]

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Freezing Temperature In Goonstation - by TheOnlyRyan - 06-29-2016, 10:49 PM

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