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Atomicthumbs, LLJK4, 7/5 10 PM EST
Admin name: Atomicthumbs
Server: LLJK4
Date/Time: 7/5/2015 10 PM EST

Synopsis: I originally wasn't going to report this. I did want to have a conversation with thumbs about it to find out exactly why I was treated this way, but since I couldn't get a log I decided to get one from the admins and an explanation.

So, guy whose name I don't remember (Santiago something I think?) goes into the AI upload and uploads a law that states that AI and borgs are supposed to listen to him. Because it's an override law, it replaces law 2. So humans can't be harmed, but only Santiago can give orders. I felt this was a bit out of line for his position, as he wasn't the Captain, and was only a Research Director or something; why should he be doing that? So I called for security; as we have no radios (admin interference I suppose, everyone spawned without them) I had to use the intercom. During this time period, Santiago flashed me, several times, and dumped my body in the room across the hall, with the turret still on stun. Not killing me, but effectively making it so I can't continue playing the game; seriously, any time I tried to move I was stunned, then downed, then knocked out. I'd come back to, be too dizzy to make my way to the door, stunned, downed, etc. I adminhelped it, because basically yeah that's like permabrigging. I can't ask the AI to turn off the turret, can't call for help without a radio, but it's not murder persay. I explain it to atomicthumbs. Atomicthumbs is like "Yeah, sorry you died, that sucks." Okay, so... what now? Then he says "AI wouldn't have listened to you anyway, he is subverted." Oh, so that was a traitor. Okay! Let's spend the rest of the round sitting on my butt per usual, but at least I was murdered by a traitor. I suicide succumb ghost and watch the rest of the action unfold. Except I find out it's a Syndicate round. Well, that's odd, we have a traitor who is part of the station crew and syndicates? Weird, the admins must have done it. Cool idea for an admin round I guess, traitors AND syndicates?

During this time I'm talking with the other dead and the admins, and Wire's zipping around in something new they were showing off in IRC. I commented on it, and atomicthumbs told me to shut up, not sure why but felt I should add it.

At any rate, at the end of the round, I noticed... Santiago wasn't a syndicate. He wasn't a traitor. He was a regular protag crew member. Meaning his actions that were basically a death with no way out and no way to call for help, not to mention subverting the AI while not an antag was total illegal and against the rules. Yet... atomicthumbs did nothing about it.

Now I don't have a log, so I can't confirm exactly WHAT Thumbs said. I'm trying NOT to play him off like a total jerk. At the time I figured I could just log the conversation, go over it later, and talk to thumbs about it in PM... however...

Log: I tried to save a log, and thought it HAD saved, but then it turns out "Save Chat Log" doesn't just save a log; according to Haine and Wire it's supposed to open a window with html of the chat's output. Since when I clicked the button this did not happen I don't have a log. I thought it was saving somewhere on my hard drive. This would have been nice to know when I asked everyone several times where the log is saved, as had I known a box was supposed to have popped up I would have requested to the admins to get me a copy.

Extra Information: Because I thought the log had already been saved I closed the window, thus rendering it impossible to get the exact words back, which is the entire reason I even made this entry.

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