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Mageziya's Irrelevant Sprites
Here's a quick concept sprite for Cirrial's Intrusion game-mode idea; The spire building, since it seems like the one that's mostly likely to be made at the moment.

[Image: 5b8a2427bb8da1b3d6c700a3ee77d8ae.png]

The building on the left was me just drawing the building as is, in terms of concept. Half-way through, I remembered, "Wait, don't structures in this game have perspective? Aww crap." So the structure on the right is the in-perspective sprite.

While making the buildings for the set be in-perspective would be ideal, it's a lot harder, and I tend to over complicate designs, which doesn't help. Some some feed back on "drawn as idea" vs "drawn in perspective" would help.

Also, looking at it, the palette I used for shading for some reason feels nasty and needs work, and the large amount of outline used is conflicting with the ability to shade and detail. I need to fix things up. Now that I think about it, I actually don't know what this game's standard for outlining sprites is. Either way, ideally, the shading and what not on these sprites is not final.

Edit: I did some tinkering because bleh perspective:

[Image: db81bf453c69625eba85cf7f1adb4d9d.png]

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