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Vampires Eating Crunchy Cereal
Bear with me here. So a vampire spawns in, and he's looking for a meal. Already he knows he's limited by people who have sunglasses, so he targets someone more helpless and somehow manages to knock them out before they scream VAMPIRE at the top of their lungs because the glare/hypnotize doesn't silence a target instantly. Then they remove the hat and breath mask while the meager stun whittles away, and they finally bite into the delicious blood bag with legs.



I want this sound to leave. It does not make sense for a creature of darkness and stealth to make loud noises like he's eating dry cereal right out of the box unless he's screaming on purpose like the relevant power. Vampires were once hugely dangerous, perhaps more than changelings, and now they're laughably easy to find once someone knows to look for them, and the suspicious crunching noise still gets stray greyshirts bumbling across you seconds after you start eating.

It's a small change, but it might help make this antag role a little more fun for the person that gets it. They've already gone to the effort to grab a victim and bring that victim somewhere secluded, so it's best they aren't given away by a noise people can hear from the other side of the station.

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