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Supervillain serum for geneticist traitors
While geneticist traitors can be very dangerous, it takes a lot of time and setup, or some great luck, to become a threat. As genetics is also a high risk area that is often targeted by other antagonists, you're not always going to live long enough to do anything with your super powers.

This idea is intended to give traitor geneticists a way to get an edge earlier in the round, while still making use of their unique department and genetic abilities:

Super villain serum: You get an implanter that gives you a positive mutation, but also a negative one. Essentially, you're getting a super power, immediately, but you also get a weakness.
This would work best if new mutations were added e.g. You get eye lasers, but are now more vulnerable to fire damage. The mutations in these implanters would also have to be combined as a single mutation, so that you can't just have a mind slave remove your negative mutations.

It would be best if the mutation list it picked from was tiered, so that getting a minor mutation like x-ray vision gives you a minor negative one, something that you could hide or explain to avoid suspicion. A better mutation would have a bigger downside, so hulk might leave you deaf, or turn you into a visibly mutated creature, like a lizard or cockroach, making it obvious what you are.
Alternatively, have a better good mutation give multiple low level bad mutations, as the high end bad ones are so debilitating no one would use the item if it carried that risk.

There could also be some mutations unique to the implanter, similar to unique poisons from poison bottles. If you have a mind slave you could end up with two guys flinging electricity, yet taking burn damage from water (including the janitor's wet floors).

I realise adding new mutations for this would be a lot of work, but even an item that gave you a good and bad mutation from the current ones could still be useful, as long as it's limited to non-lethal mutations. It's TC cost would depend on what mutations it's possible to get.

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