Xiphos Volund applies for some purple text and a new hat
Usual Character Name: Xiphos Volund as a human, Short Straw as an AI
BYOND Username: Jerkface00

Recommended by (if applicable): Red Archibald used to nag me to apply. Strelok M.O. also told me to do it once or twice, though I think he just got sick of being the only active HoS for a while there. Do these guys still even play?

Times Available: After 8 pm EST most days. Otherwise on sporadically.

Reason for Application (300 word minimum):
Well, I've been playing for a couple of years now and as any nerd who’s played that long may expect, I've played all the other currently available jobs. While each enjoyable in their own way, I often enjoy the security role more than the other jobs because it’s the job which really has the potential to make a person factor in to how the round plays out for everyone. Sure that MD or the Quartermasters are helpful. But more often than not, its security that’s being called for on the radio. It’s security, who’s showing up and bringing those hooligans who smashed your window to the toilet for a swirly, or that body to get cloned. Well, maybe not, but at least security is often good to give you someone to shove over, fart on, and then chase you relentlessly for the remainder of the time that you’re alive.

The Head of Security, more often than not, is responsible not only for making sure that space-justice is properly handed, but also to ensure that the game enjoyed by everyone. Only enjoyable though because fun isn't cool. This means keeping a cool head (though, acting outraged is useful when being sec and might get you an interesting reaction from the guy you’re yelling at if you’re lucky!), the ability to make sure the sec officers under your beguiled grief-magnet of a hat aren't abusing the crew, that the gimmicks of the round are played along with, that the bad guys get to have a real opportunity to do their thing while still having to make sure their work isn't sloppy, and that jerks like me who like to punch anyone who happens to be unfortunate enough to run by gets their time both to be a robusting jerk who punches anyone passing by and their fair time in the brig… or their hair dyed pink and a swirly. I’d like to use the hat as a means to get sec officers to pay attention to how arrests could better be handled, prisoners not abused to the point where they can’t have fun, and maybe, just maybe not murder every bad guy they happen to know is a bad guy just for getting the roll of the RNG.

I didn't apply for either a position as a HoS, or as a mentor for so long because I felt there was a large number of good, active HoS’es/mentors already. I still think that is the case. Though now I’d like to join them. I’d like to think I bring a decent knowledge of the game, its mechanics, and its people to the table and that I can use this knowledge to help contribute either as or a HoS, or if not, then perhaps as a mentor.

Security Experience (300 word minimum):
My first encounter with a security officer was getting a harm baton after stepping off arrivals on donut.
Sometime after that I tried my hand at the job and pulled all the newbie mistakes including, but not limited to running with something that people would want to steal in my hand, leaving lockers open, chasing the clown for being a clown in the security office… stuff like that… Now, when I had played as a new security officer there weren't too many active Heads of Security that played, at least when I was on. So, once I got past that awkward phase, I entered the terrible phase that most new sec guys tend to get into; “That mustache wielding bastard must die!” It didn't take long for me to realize that having killed the bad guy 5 minutes in, I no longer had anything to do as security: That phase ended fast.
Strelok M.O. and Red Archibald were the first HoS’es I saw in this strange 2d-space game and between them I think they did the job perfectly. Both were robust, smart, clever, and above all fun. Not just fun if you were on their side. But they were fun if you beat them. Fun if they beat you. Fun if nothing was happening. Fun if space-Jesus had just shown up and given you the all-mighty answer to the meaning of Poo-Fun.

After having met those two, I’d like to think I picked up a little bit on how security should be played if it were going to be played in a matter which put fun first; talk to people. Talk to the victims of supposed grief, talk to the bad guys, and talk to the other sec dudes. Just keep the conversations going. Keep the gimmicks going if they were not some grey-shirt running an absolute shit-kill-everything-cause-why-not bit. This doesn't mean that you don’t always shoot first and ask questions later per se (that blood covered assistant wearing the captain’s ID standing over a dozen dead guys and the bloody captain’s body with an open “salami-saber” and rad-bow out). But it means that interacting with people and being either reasonable or ridiculous so long as whatever you do is in the interest of keeping all parties involved playing the game.
The who-done-it nature of the role of security, putting the pieces of a puzzle of small clues together to eventually discover the perpetrator of some dastardly deed is a great thing too… not in any way relevant to the rest of this, but I said it so there.

In your opinion, what are the flaws and benefits of the current security layout (brig, cells, security room etc)? :
The security room is fine, couldn't be happier that we got a med kit and mop. All the cells are fine; they can be broken out of at a decent pace with little more than a pair of shoes. They could be better for getting gear locked in the confiscated locker back to their owners though. Perhaps don’t close the floor flusher until someone falls in?
My only complaint with the new interrogation room is that the person being interrogated can hear the guys in the security office talking about him when they’re watching. I sound should only come out of the room.

Previous Bans (While this will not affect your application lying about it will):
Was perma-banned on gibbed 3 for not replying to an admin-pm, it was mirrored on gibbed 4. Appeal was posted and the bans lifted. The appeal was not posted on this forum account (I couldn't remember my forum-login info to make this post…)

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