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The Relationship Between Traitors and the HoS
Quote:The way i see it, it's the HoS' job to keep an eye out for how security act towards the crew. If every Security Officer had a complete grasp of all the rules, were all robust enough to a point where they know how to actually hit someone with a baton without stunning themselves and that they knew all the nuances of when to enforce a rule, and when not to, we wouldn't need to have a HoS to begin with. It's my job doubting their every decision, which means you have to take try and take an unbiased look at them, naturally the easiest way to do this is just to assume they are all equally shit.

It is. But the way you make it sound is that you rather not work with them at all and be a one man army. The point of a HOS in my eyes is making sure your officers are not shit while teaching them the rope on how to be a good officer.

Quote:Sure, but you try making a bunch of split-second decisions and see if you get them all right.

I have many times, though none of them had me executing a handcuffed man. Depending on the threat level of course I take the necessary action and in this case the suspect was disarmed and cuffed, there was no threat.

My opinion of you is this. Your too rash, you don't see willing or able to use teamwork with your officer since you can't bring yourself to trust them, You yourself pretty much said this yourself. "Assumptions are the mother of all fuck ups". Your attitude needs to change above all else cause you have a rotten view on things.

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