Mentor Application - 69andahalf/Dixon Balls
Usual Character Name: Dixon Balls
BYOND Username: 69andahalf
Recommended by (if applicable): N/a
Times Available: Usually 6pm to 12pm EST and sometimes 10am to 12am EST

Reason for Application + Game Experience (300 word minimum):
You may all be wondering, who’s this dork? He hasn't been part of Gibbed for 4 months! Although my time on the forums may be short, I have played since Devstation. The reason I am applying, is over the time I have played on Gibbed, and many other SS13 servers, I have always enjoyed helping people learn the game. On Gibbed this can be difficult, people are less prone to asking questions when there are a ton, of what seem to be crazy people running around and the server lacks an OOC chat for anyone to answer these questions. This is in essence why I wish to be mentor, I want to help the people who don’t feel comfortable asking questions to some random person named Dixon Balls, which mentorhelp allows them to do. As for game experience, I don’t know all the super-secret chemistry recipes, or how to hell burn the engine, but I feel I have a very secure basic overview of all the departments. I have played Gibbed over a long period of time which has given me the experience needed to answer the majority of the questions that a new player would have to ask. With this overview, come what I think is the ability to refer people to areas they could be interested in, if they don’t want to sit in one spot for the entire round, perhaps telescience or exploring the debris field, or if they want to have some more safe-option perhaps some rewarding mining or a game of creature-dome in VR. The possibilities of things to do in SS13 are endless and can seems a little daunting, especially with such a large volume of jobs and with the experience I have in the game I feel I can point people in the right direction. I don’t want to write myself off on advanced stuff though, people may find Dixon a pain in the ass sometimes but there’s one thing I can do and that’s survive, and surviving Space Station 13 is a key element of the game. From medkit locations to the best places to hide to escape the Fuzz or how to easily take out those pesky syndicates on your tail, I can offer some pretty good advice. For what I lack in “book smarts” in terms of SS13 I feel I make up with, and of how corny it sounds, survival skills.

Previous Bans (While this will not affect your application lying about it will): Yes I have been banned before, I cannot remember why, would love for them to be posted here so everyone can laugh at me.

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