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Changelings, and why they're just too damn powerful
Can we just discuss lings please, and how to make them not so horrible?

-Can rapidly heal
-Neurotoxin sting practically knocks you out until death and can be used while incapacitated, handcuffed, etc (HAVE TO KILL IT DEAD TO NOT GET DEATH STUNG, FUCK PRISONERS)
-Hallucinogenic sting will cause bad hallucinations and will randomly knock you out for medium to large amount of time (WHY DOES IT NEED 3 STINGS THAT KNOCK YOU OUT???)
-Can once again after an update revive from the dead infinitely, must be gibbed (that plus neurotoxin I mean come on it'll revive in like 25 seconds with all abilities off of cooldown; caught with your pants down on the way to the gibber)
-Lesser form (monkey transform) that is basically a really good freedom implant that regenerates and removes handcuffs (again no prisoners ever, and if you catch them? they'll switch back to human and destroy your cuffs again)
-Acid spit stuns borgs (why???)
-Can frame people and cause havoc with mimic voice
-The headspider, which is another hand holding crutch for changelings to enter the game, AGAIN, even though they can just regenerate back to life (screws over lings who eat lings; can't go screaming into medbay that you ate a ling and got spidered)
-Absorbing takes people out of the game forever (really who actually turns husks into borgs these days)
-Space does not harm them AT ALL (would be fine if it wasn't for E V E R Y T H I N G else)
-Abomination form (again would be fine without every other Mary Sue ability as it throws away stealth)

Honestly my biggest points are the neuro sting while handcuffed/incapped and the lesser form spam. Say you have 3 officers (very rare thing in itself) who simultaneously respond to a ling call. They all enter at the same time. Officer A gets acid spat on, Officer B gets neuro stung, and officer C gets hallucine stung. Officer A goes down. While Officer B is applying the handcuffs, Officer C is killing the ling after handcuffing it. Officer B shortly passes out, is rapidly dying, and can not be woken up. Officer C cannot move properly and keeps falling unconcious. During this, the ling turns into monkey form and is uncuffed. Officer A gets back up from the acid spit and kills it, then cuffs it. As he is dragging it to the gibber, the changeling revives and turns back into a human, removing his handcuffs. With his abilities off cooldown, the changeling dumps all stings and spit into officer A and he dies.

That's all with an ideal sec force of 3, who actually bother responding to a call for help. The only real way to kill a ling these days is a crew mob, which is rare, or setting the entire room on fire, which is probably bannable.

I feel they're just way too damn good for what they should be: quiet killing machines until horror form. Instead they're rambo with drug abilities and death crutches.

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