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Build-A-Base Workshop 13
Captain_Bravo Wrote:Add a brig, and there's a chance the shuttle can randomly spawn half a dozen angry, robust, rolling-pin-wielding chefs. (They got lost on their way to the Plasma Chef competition, and now they're super pissed at everyone and everything.)

How about each place has a chance to do a bad mob spawn event, along with something else.

Having a janitorial closet would unlock the bad event, of a bunch of jerk janitors mobs to spawn that wet only clean floors so people slip.

Adding a bar will give a chance to spawn bad Bartenders who go around first knocking people down, and then force feeding them drinks.

Or just have each section have a random mob assigned to it each round.

So one round building medbay could give a chance to spawn Martins

and next round it could spawn Ice spiders.

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