Austin Feufer/SgtBriar's application for HoS
Usual Character Name: Austin Feufer
BYOND Username: SgtBriar
Recommended by: HaineSA, Weedlock
Times Avaliable: a lot but usually after 10am AEST

Reason for Application:
When I applied for Mentor back in August, I actually wanted to make this application alongside it. But I was too scared mean spacemen would come along and trash talk my app and say I suck at being a security man, so I didn't. Now I've followed the path of the warrior, listened to Be a Man on repeat for 2 months straight until the song's drone has bored its way into my brain, and I'm finally ready to not be a wussbag and post this damn thing.

The main reason I'm applying for HoS is...well, to be honest, it's the disorganization that seems to plague Security right now. I haven't seen, nor had a well and truely organized and coordinated security force in a long time, despite the efforts I make. Whether this is because of the scarcity of people playing Security (a lot of rounds I'm the only officer), the fact that a lot of people who play it aren't experienced in the role, or a combination of both, but I'd at least like to think that some "official backing" would help out a lot to get people's asses in gear and helping out the station, being friendly and not just a faceless bozo in red who arrests someone for punching them.

My focus in the past month or two has been Security. I don't actually like the job because of the power it brings, or being able to arrest bad guys officially, but more the fact that it gives me something to do. My favourite job in the past, Research, is generally extremely insular - you don't ever have to leave research unless you want to make certain chems or to gather items for a telescience expedition. Security, on the other hand, makes you get out and about, and you ALWAYS have something to do, because what's happening at any given moment dictates what your goal is. I like that kind of reactive playing.

Security Experience
As I said above, my focus has been Security these past months, and as a general rule of thumb, when I'm not an antag, I'm on the force. My general philosophy when it comes to being to a cop is "harsh, but fair". I'm adamantly against killing people except under dire circumstances, I'll actively stop other security officers being shit, I'll always set you a timer, I won't strip you of your clothes (and dignity), and I sure as hell won't beat you or let others beat you, but if you're being extremely obvious with your traitor gear, or you're being a goddamn shit and making other people's lives miserable? You will do the time, I will take your dumb traitor gear away and put it in the confiscated items locker and damnit you better behave or I'm telling mum! That being said, a lot of the time, things can be sorted out with a simple talking to. Is some dork beating up people in the bar? Stun him, fart on him, tell him not to do that crap again. Is a traitor running around sleepy penning people with alcohol and other harmless stuff? Write him a ticket for involuntary inebriation of crewmembers, get a guarantee from him he's not gonna pen anyone with mean shit and send him on his way. Caught a vampire red handed and he's not actively resisting arrest? Cut that bloodsucker a deal: out of sight, out of mind, nyah, see?

The only antags you should actively go out of your way to give warm, gentle laser caresses to are Wizards, Nuke Ops and Changelings, the latter two because it's going to end the round and they're far too dangerous to keep alive, the latter because...well, they're far too dangerous to keep alive. Antagonists are players too, and it's much more fun for them to be alive and kicking than loitering around in deadchat.

Also don't arrest people for dumb shit like breaking into areas like EVA or punching you or whatever dumb shit someone did. That's what tickets are for. Stun them, fart on them if you're so inclined and write them a ticket. In fact, just write tickets all the time. It's the main reason I have my PDA on my belt. Write tickets at inanimate objects, at the barman for making a bad drink, etc. That brings me to my next point: be friendly with the crew. It pays to have friends, and to be respected, rather than feared. Be a good guy!

In your opinion, what are the flaws and benefits of the current security layout (brig, cells, security room etc):
I've really got no issues with Security after Haine's changes. The port-a-brig was moved, the interrogation room is back, genpop is a bit more fun, if a bit big. The only nitpick I have is with the goddamn door to solitary aaaaaaaa, can we just replace that with a normal door already? It's buggy, it allows people to do stuff like grabs, disarms and point blank shots at the guy standing one tile outside, and it will NEVER close unless you use the timer, which is a real goodamn pain if you want to close it manually but you have to toggle the timer on and off again and goddamn it is a pain. aghhh

also im gonna put my opinion of shrek here even though it's not a thing anymore, he's pretty cool and i like him

Previous Bans (While this will not affect your application lying about it will):
Some minor bans in 2012 for miscellaenous dumb shit, one big month-long one for suicide bombing.

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