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Request for sprites: Themed worlds!
Sundance Wrote:Furthermore, I don't like your attitude, affable. Don't come onto a sprite thread that's asking for help for sprites, contribute absolutely nothing, and kick up shit about how i'm some sort of grand-sprite thief, when i'm not. It's bitchy and completely juvenile.
the reason i was pointed this out was because i thought it'd be in marquesas's best interest to know that some of your sprites were ripped (i'm going to keep using that term, because whether or not you traced over them or recolored them, they're still ripped from the original source). i did not think i was particularly harsh, as i have been much harsher to artists who trace over or repost other people's artworks. i gave you the benefit of the doubt here, so don't you dare accuse me of "kicking shit up" or putting words in my mouth about you being some "grand-sprite thief."

Sundance Wrote:I don't particularly like being called out for shit and made out to be some sort of phoney spriter or slacker when in truth the above wizard sprites took me 3.5 hours to do, especially by those who have contributed nothing.

That said haine I understand your position. I will resprite the floor and pot tile using the same style and color, but the finished product will look a whole lot different.
the reason i called you out was not to make you look like some sort of slacker. as i said before, it was to make you and others aware that what you were doing was wrong. whether or not you spent three and a half hours no longer matters. you invalidated the work you did by taking sprites, which in itself is not even the biggest problem here, and not giving any credit where credit is due.

TheTrixRabitt Wrote:Holy fuck, you guys made a big deal out of something really small. Its not like he didn't say it was inspired or out right deny it. Also, not gonna contribute because I'm a terribad spriter, just felt like posting about how he is "straight up ripping" sprites.
YJH had absolutely no reason to join the argument.
i did not think i was the one making a big deal out of anything. what i expected was for sundance to come out and say "oh, my bad" and credit chrono trigger.
you also cannot come to me and say that the word "inspired" is so ambiguous here. "inspired" usually means that you want to mimic the art style or maybe you liked the color palette and intended to use a similar one. "inspired" does not mean you simply take what is not yours.

and how in the world is informing sundance that recoloring is still considered ripping not contributing to the argument? if anything, i find your post more unnecessary here.

i apologize if i caused marq's thread to derail, and i apologize for my lack of precision of language, but that's all i will apologize for here.

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