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Paintball/splatoon/shortform round concept/paint the town red (dolly musical edition)
Spurred from a discord discussion, the following points were made. By me:

* We have paintball guns and paint cans that paint tiles/objects/mobs. - The basic tools already exist.
* We have station/wide arenas and a game mode about claiming territory within it. - Some framework for measuring claimed territory over an area and applying a relative score exists, and the idea of a team-based game mode is well proven.
* We have short-form game modes that are sometimes put on for a bit of fun and people like.
* Paintball and what the young folks call them splatoons with the squids and the kids is gadzooks the bees knees is fun. 

Conclusion: Some kind of game mode around using paintball guns (or depending on scope creep, other tools) both seems doable, and fun for either an occasional game mode treat or more/less depending on scope. 

Basic concept:

*Divide station population into N teams as equally as possible. Each team has a paint colour, probably the brighter shades.
*Give them paintball guns/tools to paint things with, and either recharging ammo pools or a "paint dispenser base" akin to the gang locker
*The goal in a short timeframe is to cover as many turfs, objects and mobs in your colour, while covering opposing paint jobs with your own colour. 
*That's it.

Why is this fun/good?

*It's paintball. If I can't sell you on the concept with what I have here I don't think I'm ever going to. That's fine!
*The game concept is exceptionally simple, and accessible. 
*To me, simple man who would not have to actually code it: It feels like a lot of the things needed to create it already exist in some form or another. If this is incorrect then as always it's likely to be the dealbreaker, that's also fine.

Expanding the concept:

*Eliminating opposing paintballers: timing out players briefly, Last man standing?
*Expanding paintball toolkit: Paint grenades, Paint melee, the lesser known cousin of the c-saber, the p-saber? 
*Valueable targets/Area claim bonuses/roaming hills to be "King" of: Is holding all of sec, or having your claim over a particularly contested area worth more? (this might discourage being more defensive, when its worth more points to claim an area claimed repeatedly by others, a lot like how a visible gang tag is worth more than a less visible one)
*A shiny cup. (all competitions should have a gaudy trophy)

Messages In This Thread
Paintball/splatoon/shortform round concept/paint the town red (dolly musical edition) - by Lefinch - 07-27-2024, 06:49 AM

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