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GoonStation Diaries
So this is a concept I was throwing about in my mind a while back, but never really got to pitch because my computer broke, and the computer I had was a PoS vista that couldn't even process BYOND without crashing.
Now that'll I'll be gettin' a new laptop I've decided that I'm going to try this concept again, and that is GoonStation Diaries tm

The idea behind this is to set up a round where 3-5 (or more) people record their round (the SAME round), submit it here/email/IRC and I'll edit it to one reasonably sized video (~20mins)
The reason why I think this would be pretty awesome is that the whole fun behind SS13 is the P2P style enviorment, and observing a round where you see different points of view from different players sounds really interesting and unique. I say unique because most vids of ss13 online are just of one player voicing his opinion and playing the game, while this would be several players voicing their opinion, and the whole synergy behind it to me sounds really exciting and it I think it would be great for the community.

An example of how it would work would be as follows:
Lets say we have 3 players, Mr white as RD, Mr Green as Botanist, Mr Red as Security.
We would introduce the players at the start of the video, and then the perspectives to swap depending on the situation. Mr white for example might be an antagongist, so you'd hear the player speaking about plotting to kill Mr Red, While the perspective changes to Mr Red, who's player is saying that he's suspicious of Mr White. Mr Green however mightn't be doing anything interesting at all, just casually growing grapes and weed, the contrast between the previous two would add to the hilarity, only for Mr Green to be blown to pieces later in the round by Mr Whites bomb.
And that's only one shitty example.

I'm thinking of setting this up pretty soon, I know some of you already record. All you need is recording software, and an active mic, and you can participate!

...So yeah what you guys think?

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