WonkeyDong Mentor Application
Usual Character Name: Tyrone Smith
Byond Name: Wonkeydong
Recommended By: No one
Times Available: Weekdays after 2 pm, Weekends always.
I decided i would want to apply for this mysterious thing called mentor today. I have been playing this game for almost the last year, and i have been playing goonstation for about the last 4 months. I think i could help out new people so they don't commit the same mistakes i did when i first joined the server.I really enjoy helping people and helping people on space station 13 is even better. I really enjoy the community of goonstation and i would like to help new players who joined get used to the server. I can help with the basic stuff that people ask (job help, recipes, etc). I may not be entirely liked by the community, but i do want to help them still and that is why i am signing up for this. I have played space station 13 on 5 different servers, all different versions. I know the station in and out so if someone gets lost in the huge thing, i can tell them where they are and how to get to their destination. I really only play on LLJK #2, which does not have that many mentors during the rounds with 30+ people. When i get a job in the game, i try to do it as much as i can, this includes miscreant rounds. When i see people not knowing what to do on the server, i try to help when no one else does. I really just dont like people not knowing what to do, it just really bugs me, as mentor, i can help them know what to do so they dont make the same mistakes again. I may not be the best player, but i try my hardest to be the best i can be when ever i can.

Opinion of shrek: Quite possibly a modern age citizen kane. Shrek is a deity to me, he is love, he is life.

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