Edwardo Pedro-Gonzales Hos application.
I'm afraid that this is one of those rare times when I'll drop a hard -1 very early, in this case due to powergaming concerns.

The main concern I have is the way you interact with suspects, always ready to shoot them, sometimes skipping RP in order to bring them down quickly and not give them a chance to fight, due to, as you say it yourself, "being paranoid that they'll pull a gun on you, so you shoot them before they even get the chance to".

Another thing is that you have a tendency to really "upgrade" your kit with whatever you can find, be it genetics, robotics or mining gear, somewhat early on in the round and with very little concern on how this affects antagonists, and sometimes ingoring orders from command to keep your toys.
An example of this would be a round, yesterday, where mining was distributing mechboots and armour to everyone. You took it to combat a fire, then a good few minutes after the fire was over, the HoS noticed you still walking around with it and asked you to put it back, which you agreed to. Half an hour later, I, the NTSC, notice you still running around with mechboots, and tell you to stop using them, with the HoS backing me up and warning you that the next time they see you mech boots, they'll fire you. Another half an hour later, at the shuttle, I still see you running around with mechboots.

In conclusion, I would just seriously recommend you really, really tone down both your need for additionnal gear and your hostility/"paranoia" when interacting with antags while playing security, and begin letting a chance for antags to escalate in stand offs and the such.

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RE: Edwardo Pedro-Gonzales Hos application. - by Chatauscours - 03-31-2024, 02:57 AM

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