Kopla Woodnar's Mentor Application
I cannot speak for all of Kopla's knowledge but from what I've seen them as their crew member or head of security, they have the patience, tolerance, and willingness to not just educate, but go the extra mile to demonstrate if necessary through practical means even how to use items to how to perform tasks. They are also very cordial and respectful when approaching anyone, antag, new player, or even old players. I've never seen Kopla display any form of ill temperament or ill will even. They are often doing things in good faith, despite being antag sometimes. Their behavior is impeccable and thus I think they would represent our community well.  I don't at all doubt they would make a fantastic GoonStation Mentor.

+1 and good luck! I really hope you get this role.

Messages In This Thread
Kopla Woodnar's Mentor Application - by kaspok - 04-22-2023, 10:21 PM
RE: Kopla Woodnar's Mentor Application - by The Specimen - 05-22-2023, 01:42 PM

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