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What do you guys do against stims as sec?
(03-14-2023, 08:17 AM)StaringGasMask Wrote: Aditionally, haloperidol is also found in medical dispensers, and the MDir starts with a tranq rifle in their locker, so there's no need to auth armory if the director is helpful.
Killing people on stims might be problematic because they heal the damage done, so you'd need to magdump buckshot to do something considerable. Still, landing a morphine injection or a couple darts is enough to get them into withdrawal after a couple minutes. Then they're super easy to get rid of

"If" The MD is there.
"If" The MD is helpful and not the antag.
"If" The HoS is there , no need to auth.
"If" The captain or HoP can grab it for you.

And yes... you can make tranq darts for druggies with the MD one.. but I hate to say it.
When a guy is drugged up and causing mayhem, security doesn't have time to go for "IFs"
Security has to act ASAP before half the station is dead.
And what's easier...?
Getting 3 sec units to auth armory so the whole team is DECKED OUT to fight?
Or going to medbay, asking the MD to give their tranq rifle over so 1 guy can deal with the problem?

If it's classic, trust me when I say.. you would prefer authing armory then asking the MD for help.

On RP on the other hand? Asking the MD isn't a bad thing, but you are still on a time crunch. As RP is slower it's safer to ask in RP.. but on classic, trust me the MD is probably too busy keeping the victims alive if they arne't being killed themselves.

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RE: What do you guys do against stims as sec? - by Kotlol - 03-14-2023, 08:54 AM

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